
My sisters baby is having blood clots when it uses the bathroom, what could it be?

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my sister had a baby yesterday but the baby has been having bowel movements with blood clots. what could that be?




  1. the baby needs to go the the hospital immediately it could be caused from internal bleeding

  2. "when it uses the bathroom"

    Err "it"

    Riiight.  Bleeding internally means get medical attention, troll.

  3. Assuming she's still at the hospital, ring the doctors/nurses now!

    If she's at home, take the baby to ER right now!

  4. Something that she should go to the emergency room with immediately!

  5. You need to get the baby to a hospital.  My daughter had this from 3 days old and she was diagnosed with allergic colitis soon after.  It could be that simple or it could be something much more serious like a kink in his/her bowel with can be life threatening.  Please get the baby checked over, bleeding from the bowel is never a normal thing.

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