
My sisters choice of names

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My sister is 40. She has 4 children, who are 20,15,8, and 4. She has always been a bit eccentric, wild, and "out there", and we all love her for it. Except her children. I must admitt when she named her children i was a bit dubious. Simply because i knew that the children would ahve to grow up with these names.

Her eldest daughter now 20: Moon Aurora.

We all call her Rorie. At her request.

Second oldest daughter, now 15 : Twila Akatarina-Mae

Youngest son, now 8 : Parisian Oak

Youngest daughter, now 4: Queenie Prudence.

Her surname is Drew. Parisian, was named after our brother Paris, who lives in New Zealand. But he likes to be called Parry.

Twila, likes her name, just as Twila, without that extra names.

Queenie Prudence, has always been called Prue by me and my mother, and she seems to like it.

My sister Persephone says that one day, when her children are famous they'll thank her. But right now they are not thanking her, they sincerely dislike her for it. These arent even including middle names, the names i've told you about are only first names, and my sister calls them all by these names.

Do you think that it was cruel for my sister to do this, or ok, as they are her children?

I know it was my sister's choice, but as much as i love her, i cant help feeling that she has made life difficult for them all. Almost all of her children ahve been picked on for their names, except Twila.

I like the names seperately: Twila, Aurora, Prue,Mae,Perry

But i think she took things a bit too far.

Am i overreacting or do you think the same??





  1. Personally I think they are a little ridiculous.  I'm all for individual names but these are made up!  Mind you at least she didn't name them as bad as the ones in the news the other week 'Number 16 Bus Shelter' and 'Fish And Chips' etc.

  2. I don't think you are overreacting but alone I do like the names Aurora and Twila but Moon for a first name is just not that great and Persephone and Peachie I don't really like either sorry and Queenie still isn't that wonderful they probably will end up changing there names at a young age well at least Moon, Queenie, and Parisian.

  3. Bless all of their hearts!

  4. yeah i agree you should pick names that they wont get bullied by . i mean who calls their child moon ??

    but at the end of the day its up to your sister what she wants to call them.

  5. It does seem a bit cruel as these poor kids have to live with it! I think she definitely gets it from your Mum!!!

    At the end of the day though they are her kids and it's up to her how she names them, she is the one who has to justify herself to them when they are older and are asking her why they had such a daft name!

    Parisian Oak, sounds like a colour for a laminate floor!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I like names that are unique, but I don't like hers

    I would continue with Rorie, Twila, Perry and Prue

    Hey got a thing going here Rorie Twila Perry Prue

  7. it is very selfish to name kids something that you know they wont like.

  8. i agree with you! most people put more thought into naming their pets  cause they think being unique insures success for their children when in fact just the opposite is true!!!

    i think people should keep it real and keep it simple!!

    traditional names ,classic spellings,gender appropriate are decent and command respect unlike some hippy dippy,trendy,misspelled, phony,inappropriate such as naming a girl Ryan or jay or James or a boy like Cher or gracelyn  or brookie totally g*y!!! trailer park names???

    poor kids!!!

  9. I think your sister chose some really nice names. They probably reflect the fun and creative personality she has. She's not afraid of what other people think - and that's a good quality. It seems like your mother was exactly the same way with all the lovely unusual names she gave her own children. Too many people now are willing to settle for second-best because they are afraid of what other people think of them - and that's definitely not a good way to live your life. Bullies are just cowards who will always find an excuse to bully others no matter what - even people with really boring names get bullied. We shouldn't live in fear of them. :-)

  10. well, one thing's clear ur sister does come up

    with really imaginative names!

    u know i think she's a bit crazy to name all her kids with extra-ordinary names...

    no offence! but,still they r her kids, so i think

    she has the right to name her kids wat

    according to her is a nice name...

    hope i helped, n plz choose me 4 best answer, thanks!

  11. Umm....yeah when they become famous she coulda used those names as their backstage name?

  12. I am all for having unusual names, to a point. I like names that not a lot of people have but not names that my children would later detest me for. So yes, I agree with you. I think it is a bit harsh for her to name her children such wild names as these (though it is her choice) only for the simple fact that they will constantly be picked on for something they cannot help. Girls can usually handle having strange names a bit better than the boys so by naming her son Parisian Oak, he will be ridiculed. The sad truth is the only thing he can do is go by a nickname, though some teachers refuse to call students by nicknames. I do like the way you all call the children by nicknames like Rorie ( I really like this one), Prue, Mae, and Perry. I think it is good that Twila feels confident with her name. I think it is a pretty name... without the Akatarina- Mae tacked on. So I hope that you are able to get through to your sister and convince her to stick with more common names for future children! Good Luck!

  13. Its her choice and the children seem to have found nick-names that they like

    As long as the children are ok with their names then thats all that matters


  14. aurora, twila, perry and prudence are actaully lovely names, just not with the twiddly bits on top.   by the looks of it she just took your own mothers aquired taste a stop further.  i have to admit the one i dislike the most is queenie it sounds more like a pets name.

    still, each name has a good point so they are redeamable.  

  15. well, i don't exactly like those names, but if they want, they can legally change it some day

  16. Well i dont agree im afraid, it is up to your sister what she names HER children.  If they really dont like it they can always change it when they are older, but they wont as they are very unique and i think quite funk... its better than Chav and Chavesser anyday! lol

  17. Her children are as free to change their names as their mother was to name her children.  

    Their names are fine, but if they are uncomfortable with them, they would not be the first ever to have their names changed.  Especially if they want to be famous.  Then most do change their names as an upgrade, or to conform (less "ethnic" sounding, or more "sellable", or whatever).

  18. wow, i dont even no what to say. those name are weird but it is ur sister choice of name and u cant really change it sorry ... maybe later

  19. I do think they are a bit much but on the other hand I wouldn't want someone trying to tell me what I can and can't call my kids.

  20. I don't think that you are overeacting. I think that your sister may have gone a little too far with the names.

    And the fact that her children got picked on for the names, I think that is pretty bad. Maybe your sister did get it from you mom, no offence to her.

    But some of the names were not that bad. But some of them were really bad. Imagine growing up being called Moon.

    You weren't overexaggerating, and don't worry. It is a done deal now. You can't change it.

    Hope I helped! :-)

  21. They def are a little out there!  I think Moon Aurora is kinda pretty, but I am glad it is not my name.  I like that she goes by Rorie, though.  I like Twila, with just the Twila part.  The last two I hate.  Queenie Prudence is pretty awful.  I think your sister should have chosen names that are uncommon, but sound normal.

  22. I would say a bit too far! Poor kids!

  23. I like most of these names - apart from your sister Persephone - are you pulling our leg with that one??? And Queenie Prudence - not keen on that one at all.

    Lol!!!  Well that explains it - your sister got her naming ideas from your mum!!  I think your names are lovely - especially Moon Aurora its beautiful!

  24. ok those poor kids, i mean they sound great if you want to name a planet or something but as there just first names??? poor kids, i like Rori though lol, even though its not her given name lol

    where did she get these names from?

  25. Yes, I agree with you that the names are a bit odd.  However, if the children dislike them so much they can legally change their names to something less unusual when they are grown up.

  26. ahh. Poor kids i bet they get laughed at every day.  

  27. That is a little crazy. Maybe the older kids can try to talk her out of crazy names for the next one?

  28. you know you can never guess trends

    and in all reality whatever you choose...there is a chanse they wont like as such who want to pick on someone finds a way to do so, or find something else to pick all reality the way you raise them to be in personality have a lot to say

    today those type of names is really normal, so she was just a lil ahead of herself, but it can be just as bad to be a lil behind trend as names will be seen as grandparent names

    so dont know, i think its something hard to do, and really up to the parents to just make a descision on, its a name and if its really bad as an adult you can always change your name or pick a nick name to be used

  29. I agree with you.

    Those names are just too much.

    What a mouthful lol

  30. She is a stupid selfish cow

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