
My sisters diary flipped open (she had been writing on the desk and i knocked it off) and i saw something?

by  |  earlier

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i saw the word drunk and ik you will give me c**p for doing this, but i read the page, then 3 more, then i forced myself to close the book but i already read that my 16 year old sister had s*x, and when ever me and my parents were gone, was going out and drinking with friends. I know its none of my business , so should i jsut let it go? idk if thats average for 16 year old girls and jsut her lil brother.




  1. its not uncommon for her age, just forget it and let her get on with her life but if she ends up needing guidance at somepoint, be there for her x  

  2. tell your parents you dont want your sister to be raising a baby that is the result of drinking and having s*x

  3. wow.

    wow on you reading it. you shouldnt say anything. let it go because it isnt your business. sadly, this day and age that is average for a 16 year old girl. definitely dont tell her you read it but maybe if it is bothering you talk to her about what she does or whatever. its not good behavior and maybe you can let your parents be more aware of that so they can do something about it.

  4. the same thing happend to me and my lil sis.. its really upseting.. i think if you really care about her then you have two choices..

    1. tell your parents

    2. talk to her

    you found out this information and now you have to decide what you wanna do with it. keep it to your self? or get her help. (help as in someone to talk to about it) She needs to know how to be safe having s*x and all that, aswell she shouldnt be drinking. maybe you can give her reasons not to. But just think,.. one day she might end up pregnant or sumthing becuz you didnt say sumthing.  

  5. I think for sixteen, it's (unfortunately) kind of normal, but not a good sign. I think if you're worried, you should tell her you accidentally saw that and... well, you're worried about her. Make sure you're ready to get yelled at initially, but let her know you're not planning on telling anybody else, but that you just want her to be safe. I mean, nobody can expect anybody else to be perfect, but we all still worry. It's a normal reaction for you, too.

  6. Well, okay, you know you shouldn't have read it, right?  People who pry find out things they don't want to know. There's your lecture, glad we got that over with.

    It's pretty average for 16 year old girls, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing. The only problem is, there's not much you can do to help her in this situation. Telling your parents might make them flip out and punish her, but it's almost guaranteed that won't make her change her behavior. She's at an age where she's going to do what she wants to do. You could let it go, but it sounds to me like you feel the need to do something.

    What I would do if I were you is say, "You know, you might want to be more careful with your diary. I accidentally saw some stuff that you might not want other people to see." If she asks for details, tell her you made yourself stop reading (which is the truth, just not the whole truth) and that you hope she'll be careful because you don't want anything bad to happen to her.

    Be prepared for her to get mad - after all, you did read her diary - and don't get mad back, just apologize.

    Sometimes the best you can do is to let someone know you care about them and not judge.  

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