
My sisters going to college?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike in 9th grade, and my sister's going to college, TOMORROW and she's like my best friend in the entire world, and i keep crying, but my mom tells me not to cry in front of her because ill make her sad, but for the past couple of months,we were getting into a lot of fights and i told her i cant wait until she goes to college, and i know she didnt belive me, but i still have a litle doubt. WHAT DO I DO?

oh, and a part of this question is no matter what i do, i keep feeling sad, so i really need a answer on how to stop feeling sad, and be happy for her.

i live in NY and my sisters going to philedelphia, to become a pharm.

if your gonna give nasty answers, dont answer, because you probally have no life anway




  1. When my sister went to college, I was upset for a while too (I was ten at the time). But, if you love her, you need to be happy for her! Trust me, even if you fake it, she'll be happy that you're happy. And then, you'll be happy because she's happy!

    Right now, she's probably worried sick to have to leave you, but you'll be okay, and you have to let her know that!

    I guess when you do talk to her, tell her stories that would make her laugh. And when you're by yourself, imagine the great things she's doing and how happy she'll be when she becomes a pharmacist.

    I hope this helps... feel better!

  2. It's okay to be sad. I moved out of state to attend college, and I miss home like crazy! Tell your sis that you are just frustrated because she is moving away and you'll miss her. She'll understand. It sounds like you and your sis are tight, so even though it'll make her sad if you cry, it's a good thing. It lets her know that you'll miss her just as much as she misses you. Stop tip toeing around your sis and enjoy the time you have left. Ask if you can call/e mail/ and write her so you two will be able to stay in touch.  

  3. im going into 8th grade and my brother is leaving the 30th. its so sad. he brightens the room so much! he always sticks up for me when my 16 year old sister is being a b****. and he is so funny and we always make jokes together and make fun of my sister haha. he has a facebook so what im doing is getting one to so i can keep in contact with him. maybe she should get one ( if she doesnt have one) and you can get one so you guys can talk.  

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