
My sisters guinea pig is 1 month prenant. Its almost the due date what should i do.?

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she's pregnant with my guinea pig Joel.

The Babies are Are going to be due close 2 the end of june





  1. Guinea pigs have an average gestation of 70 days. If your piggie is one month pregnant, then she has over a month to go.

    Be SURE you get Joel out of the cage BEFORE she gives birth. Guinea pigs will mate again right after giving birth. This is extremely hard on the sow to have back to back pregnancies.

    You will also need to separate any male pups from the sisters or mum by three weeks of age (21 days) or you will chance pregnancy again. Female pups are sexually mature at 28 days. Male pups are sexually mature at 21 days old.

    and last but not least,

  2. When I had guinea pigs, she got pregnant 2 times.

    One time I was home but I didn't do anything because she had it covered. The second time I wasnt even home when she had them, so they were all fine. None died. So I would say you dont have to do anything.  Make sure the guy guinea pig is out of the cage, and dont put them back together for a few weeks.

    The babies are so cute! They are adorable!! Good luck :)

  3. Just put mom somewhere dark and quiet. Give her a house to have the babies in. Cover the cage with a towel or blanket. Do not bother her after she has had babies. How old is the guinea pig? If she is over five months her hips have fused closed and she will die trying to give birth. It is best if she has a c-section if she's too old. If not it's best just to leave her be. When she has the babies don't hold them and leave mom alone. Just scoop out the nasty parts of the cage, do not remove them. Remove the father until the guinea pigs are weened (around a month or so). And seperate the guinea pigs by gender or else you will have another litter on your hands very soon. Keep the guinea pigs seperated because the mom can go back into heat even though she is still nursing. I suggest keeping them permanently apart, letting them get pregnant over and over again is cruel and irresponsible. Either seperate them or get one fixed.

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