
My six month old has fallen into a great sleeping routine. ?

by Guest63670  |  earlier

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Wake up around 8:00am nap from 11:00 - 1:00 play eat and then another nap around 4:00 to 6:00 and then bed between 9:00 - 10:00. Today was a little different. Only a half hour nap in the early morning. Afternoon nap was from 2:00 - 4:00 now he was so fussy I gave him some breast milk and now he is down at at 6:15pm. Should I wake him up at 7:00pm and then put him down between 10:00 and 11:00? Any suggestions




  1. I would NOT wake him.  My experience when my boy has been low on sleep and went for a late nap, he would be up 30-60 minutes later than usual before being ready for bedtime.  Watch for drowsy clues tonight, but don't wake him from his nap.

  2. No.  This is actually the routine you want.  He should be able to sleep from now until maybe 7 am.  A bit early than you are used to but you will enjoy the baby free evenings.  Mine's schedule at that age was:

    7pm-7am sleep

    9-10:30am nap

    2-7pm nap

    Good Luck!

  3. My boys are 9 mnths and 22 mnths and they have slept like this since they were 5 mnths..

    They wake up about 7:30 or 8 am. take a nap at 11:30 and wake up around 1. then they play and eat and take another nap about 3:30 or 4 and wake up at just about 6. then they eat dinner play take a bath at 8 and are ready to go to bed at 9. So i think it just maybe good luck.. Most people cant believe that both of my boys take a nap at the same time.

  4. maybe he's sick.

    sick babies sleep a lotttt.

    my 2 year old niece sleeps like allday if she's sick.

    and when she isn't sick anymore she sleeps like regular.. all night, like a 1-2 hour nap everyday.

  5. my baby at six months was like this

    8am wake up

    8-12 eat play eat

    12:30(ish)-3(ish) nap

    3-6(ish) eat play eat

    and by 6:30 she was in bed

    I think it is normal but mine knocked herself out of it

  6. No I would not wake him either.  He may be sick, but if he is not then he is just changing his sleeping pattern.  I am sure you were used to his schedule, sorry.  My doc said that it is always healthy to let a baby pic and choose their own schedule. Good luck!

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