
My six month old kitten got hit by a basketball. She seems fine but i dont know.?

by  |  earlier

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What can you do to help? Please help me. My bro threw a basketball and she was lying there. it hit her on her head and upper body.




  1. Kittens and cats have more muscle and tendons then bones,(which is why they can hump and land from high up without injuring themselves) I'm sure your kitten is fine, it's normal for them to hide for a while if they are scared, but if you notice any limping I would take her in.

  2. first just make sure that she is ok and not in any pain. they are tough. mine accidentally got hit with a golf ball. she jumped 4 feet in the air, yelled, was scared, but a minute latter she was fine.

  3. feel the sides to make sure none of her ribs or anything is broken, do the same w/ her legs. observe any unusual behavor i.e. limping. and then just ot be safe bring her to the vet (regaurdless). but check for broken anythign before b/c i.e. if she has a broken leg and you hold her w/ her broken leg not watched how ur holding it then it could hurt her or put her in discomfort.

  4. Hi,

    Although your kitten may seems fine on the outside, internal damage is not visible and it would be difficult to treat once the signs appear. At 6 months old, your kitten is still very young and not developed fully. It is best to at least bring her to the vet for a check up to be sure that she did not get hurt internally. At least for your peace of mind, because like I said, if signs of trauma does show up later on, it would be harder to treat.

  5. She should be okay, just watch for swelling and tenderness, if the kitten is limping for a day or two and  then it ceases, the kitten is fine. Watch for the following signs...

    1) Pale or White gums

    2) Rapid Respiration or Struggling to breath

    3) The kitten is reluctant to walk

    4) Signs of elimination problems

    5) Last if these symptoms are any of the above, try a temperature check, if it is way below or way above 100.5 - 102.5 F then you need to rush the kitten to the vet.

    Kittens and Cats 6 mos - 5 years tend to be fine if an accident like that happens. I wouldn't be too worried, just keep a watch on the little girl. I hope all is well though.

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