
My six week old wont stop crying?

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She is not hungry, wet or cold. she wakes up crying before her eyes are even open. as soon as I hold her or bounce around she stops, but as soon as we sit down or I put her down the crying starts again. Everyone keeps telling me to let her cry, that she is just spoiled. I don't know what to do. can anyone tell me what they have done that has worked? I am running on no sleep in six weeks and all of these laps around the house are killing me... its not just a fussy cry, it is a full on scream.




  1. my first daughter was like that, doctors said she was fine, they said it was colic but considering a baby is considered to have it if they cry for more than 3 hours a day and since how they don't know what causes it the diagnosis didn't mean much to me. IT DOESN'T MEAN SHE'S SPOILED, you are doing your job as a mother and trying to comfort your baby, don't let people make you feel bad by saying you're spoiling your newborn it's impossible. Anyway honestly there isn't anything you can do but protect your own sanity and love your child, I know this wont help but it all passes with time. Took my daughter about 3 months. Also as for the tablets they didn't help my daughter but it's all natural and worth trying.  

  2. her tummy might hurt. there is this stuff by little tummies called gripe water.. its just some herbs and you can put it in her juice or just some plain water and its suppose to settle their stomachs. you can try that. i think you can get it at wal mart or wal greens.. its in a box. when i went looking for it i was looking for actual water. but its in a white box with some lime green.. my son was fussy with no aparent reason.. and that seemed to help.. good luck.. you can also try to put her in a warm bath. that helps sometimes too.. esp if she needs to poo or toot. and other times its just plain soothing .. thing of how you feel when you take a warm bath.. relaxing right? hope i helped.

    im sorry but i think that first answer is so rude. you should never tell someone else that their child is spoiled. i hate it when my family says i spoil my baby by holding him too much. im not just going to sit there and let him cry.. the only way they know how to communicate is to cry.. and that means that something is wrong.  if you dont address their needs you wont build that trust bond. ugh. i just hate it. i think that answer is very rude.

  3. let me guess, your a first time mum? i thought my baby was so cute, i hated to put her down but she got so used to it and i went through a similar thing. i do agree that you need to let her cry it out but not to the point that she's distressed but a little cry won't hurt her. she may have wind or colic. if it's a settling thing, try putting a loud clock in her room, the tick sounds like your heart and maybe put one of your shirts (that you have worn) under her cot sheet, your smell may sooth her and she'll think your there. try not to get too tense because babies sense that too. a relaxed mum gives the baby a relaxed feeling. the more you stress, the more she will. you need a little you time. see if your parents or partner will have her for a bit while you relax in a bath or or catch up on some sleep. good luck love and believe me, this is my 3rd and i won't be carrying mine around all the time, i learned my lesson!!!!

  4. She is NOT spoiled at 6 weeks old. She is comforted by you and wants to feel the way she felt in the womb. Imagine what a shock it must be to emerge into this world. Also, letting her cry is horrible advice. She needs to learn that you will respond to her cry. I never let my baby cry it out...never. She is 16 months old and goes down for naps and bedtime without any fuss. When she cries I still respond as soon as I can.

    Get a baby sling and wear her as much as you can. Are you breastfeeding? Try co sleeping so you both can get some rest.

    Good luck and just keep in mind....this too shall pass.

  5. This is how my baby was exactly!!!!! Don't worry it will get better..and my daughter would scream so loud..not cry..scream!!! My baby was fine had nor reflux or anything..she is just a screamer..she is 13 weeks and still screams when she wants my attention but it is not as bad as before. She now knows how to fake cry/scream..and waits to see if I am coming..but boy do I remember all the laps I did in my small apartment.

    Edit: she is not spoiled and never let her cry it out...she just wants her mommy.

  6. 6 weeks old is too young to be spoiled and way too young to let her cry it out. At that age, you want to reassure the baby that you are there for them. With that said, maybe it's gas. Have you tried gas drops? When my son has gas, there is no stopping his screaming. I use mylicon gas drops and they work great. Also, have you tried changing her formula (i dont know if you formula feed her), but maybe the formula is not sitting well in her stomach. I know enfamil make a few different kinds of baby formula, some are gentler for babies with more seinsitve tummies. good luck

  7. I don't believe you can spoil a baby at this age. A six week old needs comfort and you are not spoiling her by giving it to her. If she needs a lot of comfort, which is sounds like she does, then try things like a baby sling. I bought one but also sewed one myself for the summer because it is a lighter cooler fabric then I could find premade.

    My girl needed a lot of attention at this age and she is still demanding quite a bit although I have started to teach her some self soothing skills. I don't believe you can start teaching self soothing skills to a child under 2 months so I will not share here. But books by T. Berry Brazelton is what is helping me in that area.

    I personally can not let my baby girl "cry it out" It if know what she needs then I have to try and give it to her. At 6 weeks when she needed to be held or comforted (which was almost 24 hours) I had to give it to her. I made a lot of use of my babysling and she slept in a baby swing next to my side of the bed with my hand on her.

    She is now 2 1/2 months old and sleeping in her crib in her room. She is not spoiled.

    EDIT: I take that self soothing thing back. She had a pacifier since 2 weeks of age so that is a self soothing method before 2 months old. She uses Soothie pacifiers.

  8. Take her to the doctor.  It could be a lactose intolerance.

  9. definitely take her to the doc and get their opinion on why she is acting such way...she may need medical attention..

  10. It sounds like she is spoiled but she could have colic thats makes babies cry alot to. If your mommy instinct is going off like something is wrong take her to get checked out. But it really sounds like she is rotten lol if she stops when you hold her.

  11. I think 6 weeks is too young for a baby to be spoilt.  At this age they are crying for a reason, sounds like it could be wind.  I use wind drops for my bub, they can either be given in their bottle or if breastfeeding given straight into the mouth before you start to feed her.  When she is laying on her back try cycling her legs like she's riding a bike and rubbing her tummy in a clockwise direction.  If it keeps up I'd be taking her to the doctor just to make sure nothing is wrong.

  12. She is not spoiled.  There is no way that you can spoil a baby.  That's just plain dumb.  At that age, she is too young to cry it out.  She wants to be held, so hold her.  It builds trust between the two of you.  If it seems like she is crying for no reason, she may have colic.  I would recommend taking her to a chiropractor.  Sounds silly I know, but it will help.  Think of all the strain her little body went through during the birthing process, could be that something is out of alignment.   It wouldn't hurt the baby at all, and what harm could it do to you except save your carpet!

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