
My six year old daughter can be flirty. How do I gently teach her boundaries without making her too aware?

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We've never encouraged or even spent much time making her aware of romantic relationships. She thrives on attention and likes to delight people with jokes and silliness. It's just that now I want to make sure she's less open with older men. I can I redirect her without bringing too much awareness to the situation?




  1. whens she doing stuff tell her shes being annoying and s***

  2. there was a girl at my sons school who liked him a lot (hes 6). he got annoyed of her chasing him, so he told her that he had cooties. she never bothered him again

  3. my daughter is now 7 and for the last couple years we'vebeen slowly introducing appropriateness if you can teach her personal boundries so she isint hanging all over older men. at her age its noatural to start wanting more attention and i'm sure she sees it everyday when boys and girls whether on tv or at school or who knows are interacting its just your job to teach her hwo to do it right. we ofter just ask is that lady like because we have explained to her how a lady acts and stressed  that she wants to be a lady soits kind of our code phrase so she doesn feel like shes in trouble or doing somehting bad but that she needs to think about what she is doing. so far its been working hopefully it will continue. its what my mom taught me and my sister and how we both have been raising our girls

  4. What you just described has nothing to do with flirtiness, she's a child and most children do thrive on attention and can act silly, there's nothing wrong with that. If she is touching other people inappropritaley, kissing boys, etc then yes you do need to sit her down and tell her that it's not acceptable for little girls to do that. Other then that she's doing nothing wrong, so leave her alone.

  5. No dont do what sp3nc3r said

    quietly tell her that is enough and she needs to calm down.

  6. I would make her a little aware. They teach about good touch and bad touch in school so you should to. Tell her she can always tell you even when she thinks she'll be in trouble and teach her the word modesty.

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