
My six-year old daughter just had a flouride treatment, just now i read on d web that it is highly toxic,..?

by  |  earlier

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there are 3 more sessions of flouride treatment left scheduled a week apart. Shall i let her go through it, is it really necessary?




  1. talk toy our dentist.

    there is flouride in water and floride in her toothpaste.  Its an anticavity protection.  As longa s she isnt swallowing large quantaties she will be fine!  Every child does this.

  2. WHAT!? i do that every time i go to a dentist!

  3. Too much flouride IS toxic but not the amount given in a dental treatment.  Most water in the U.S. is treated with flouride in fact has been since the early 1960s...have YOU died yet?

  4. If you live in a city where the water is flouridated you do not need these treatments. If you live in the country and have a well these treatments will help her from having cavities, flouride in large doses is dangerous and should not be swallowed. Ask the dental hygeinist for more info, they should be able to tell you about the safeguards.

  5. Hi Bromiliad,

    most definitely NOT:

    Fluoride is used as a depressant to make people pliable ever since Stalin started the fashion in the Gulags sixty years ago. It has no other purpose!

    Eliminate it quickly.

    More info? Drop me an email.

    Blessed be.

    Karma Singh

  6. Just tell her not to swallow....good practice for her teenage years as well

  7. Does she have rotting or weak enamel?  Unless that is the case, I don't see why all those treatments are nessecary.  If it makes you uncomfortable that she has them (as it would make me) ask them do just seal her teeth.  Its easy and painless, and I have had it done multiple times.

  8. no they cause cancer.there is flouride in her toothpaste and flouride in the water we drink.also be aware that flouride can only be absorbed by children.once you get your adult teeth the dentist will charge you to do a flouride treatment.dont do it.not only does flouride cause cancer, it cant be absorbed by adult can google flouride and see what i am saying is true.and,while i am on the topic of poisons,look at sunblocks etc that you may use for her and shampoos for her or anyone in your house.most soaps,lotions etc now-a-days contain 2 very dangerous ingredients that have been linked to is sls or sodium laurel stearate and the other is polyethylene glycol which amazingly is the main ingredient in antifreeze and is a known carcinogen. google these also. the only dishwashing soap i have found that dosent contain these two ingredients is ivory soap, the classic. the other icory soaps have it. the best bathing soap is the bar ivory cancer causing stuff in that.our fda is amazing what they allow into our products and food chain until enough people die from it then they pull it off the market.and whether the dentists says spit or swallow not only is there some left on your tongue that will eventually be swallowed but the mucous membranes inside the sides of your mouth absorb it as do your pores of your skin.

  9. I have never had any problems with flouride treatments, even if I swallow. I wouldn't worry about it until something shows up, which most likely will not.

  10. It's toxic if you swallow it- and you'll have to swallow ALOT of it to be toxic.  Go ahead with the fluroide.  It's good for their teeth.  Both of my kids (14 & 6) get them done twice a year.  I'm not sure about your doctor's 3 week schedule.  In fact, my insurance only pays for once a year, but I just pay for the other time.  Make sure she isn't eating or drinking for 30 minutes after either.  That will cut down on any of it getting swallowed.

  11. Yes it is toxic...if the treatment is swallowed. That's why the dentist says 'don't swallow, only spit', the same way you're not supposed to swallow toothpaste. In some places, the tap water is fortified with floride. In my area, it isn't. It's not absolutely necessary but it is helpful in controlling tooth decay. My kids get the floride treatments at the dentist, but you have to do what you feel is best for your child.

  12. only toxic if u swallow it

  13. Flouride is in the drinking water. Flouride won't kill you it can only make you a little sick. But if she just gargled it she has nothing to worry about

  14. Yes...the Dental Community is not out there killing our kids...its fine... and it will save her teeth.

  15. Unfortunately everything has pros and cons. (take the flu shot for exampole)  try to practice not swallowing at home with toothpaste.  Even if she swallows a little, it won't kill her - otherwise no one would get floride treatments

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