
My six year old has a stomach ache, can anyone give me ideas to help him?

by Guest58397  |  earlier

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My six year old seems to have a stomach virus. This is a first one for me because he has alot of pain. Ususally when he has this kind of virus, and after he throws up the pain part goes away. Well...he has thrown up a little bit, and it isn't helping his pain. This started yesterday and was mild, now this morning it is full force. Can anyone give me some suggestions on what to do to ease the discomfort?

So far I have given him 1 tablet of children's pepto bismol, and he is taking little sips of ginger ale.

Thanks So much!




  1. Give him a glass of flat lemonaide. And put a heat pack on his stomach. A nice bath may help also.. Johnstones Bed Time Bath is great, not just for babies. I hope he feels better soon.

    If he is still sick tomorrow, he should eat dry biscuits and toast with jam and no butter. And plenty of rest

  2. Hydrolite Iceblock form, you can get from the chemist.  Bug usually lasts for up  to 48hrs.  Be careful of dehydration.  If this occurs, hopsital.

  3. I have read that green tea helps to settle your stomach as well as boiling fresh ginger in water, add a little honey and drink it like a tea.  I hope he feels better, there's nothing worse than feeling helpless when your little one is not feeling well.


  4. Boil some lemonade, it'll get rid of the cabonation but keep the sugars he needs.

  5. paracetomol and heat packs is what I find works best. If it lasts longer than a couple of days take him to the doc. Keep up the fluids

  6. Let him lay down with a heating pad on his stomach and it will make him feel special and take away the pain. Pamper him a little because that is all any man really wants is for mommy to pay attention.  

  7. Hello. To help with your six year old's stomach virus you could go to a chemist and find a medicine for his symptoms or the best thing to do would be to take him to a doctor and get a prescription for medicine and find out what is wrong.Therefore, you are informed and you know what to do and how to take care of it and you will get professional advice and help.

    Best of luck. Hope he feels better soon.  

  8. take him to the docs maybe best. He needs fluids too *** sicking this up can dehydrate you

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