
My six year old is starting to again what can I do????

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Ok my daughter is six she has been pottied train for awhile (which was not an easy task it actually took a long time) all of a sudden she has started to pee her pant this is not the first time. I have tried everything I have yelled done time out argued and ignored it. This week she has done it twice once when she was with my sister which she hid but I found out when I did laundry and then when she got off the bus today she had did it again but she lied and said she was on the bus but then I told her she was grounded for peeing her pants the other day she then told me she did it in music but she was able to hide it from everyone because she put her sweatshirt around her. I do not know what to do I have done everything I cna possible think of does anyone have any ideas before I lose my mind about this I do not want her peeing her pants or lying about it so what can I possiably do to stop both




  1. it could be something severe . you should talk to her peidcatician and maybe it could ne something mental and right now she is acting out help of a professional and rightn ow do not punish her . it makes her feel she did something wrong when literally it is not her fault.

  2. First, don't punish her for peeing her pants.  That's why she's lying to you, because she fears being punished.  Comfort her instead, so she will tell you when she's peed her pants instead of hiding it.  I don't think she is doing this on purpose either if she peed her pants in school and then sat there in her wet pants for the rest of the day hiding it from everyone.  I'd bring her to the doctor to check her out to make sure she doesn't have any urinary infections or anything.

  3. Wetting your pants can be a sign of more than just a kid being lazy. She is six, probably does not want to be embarrassed or wet. Being six is the shy please like me stage-- I don't know anything about the situation but my sister wet her pants and the bed for a long time. Yelling and screaming is doing nothing but upsetting your child and making you angry. A little TLC (tender loving care) never hurts either. A little encouragement again I really don't think she is doing it on purpose. Take her to your family doctor and   take her to a therapist. Find out why she is wetting her pants. It could be from being molested to even an incontinence problem. It varies, there is an array of things it could be. Your child is not being bad. Unless she is saying "hey mom watch" and doing it in front of you. Maybe she is just too shy, or even scared of the restrooms. Kids are silly. We do things because we don't know how to tell someone what we are thinking.

    The problem with my sister was she was molested. She didn't want anyone hurting her anymore so she thought that if she didn't take down her pants it would not happen again. AGAIN I don't know the situation and am in no way accusing--just stating that it does happen and more often than it should.

    Good Luck. Remember to breathe and smile. Its not the end of the world, sometimes it takes time.  Everything is gonna be alright!

    [idea:] My mom taught me to keep my pretty Barbie(or any character of choice) underwear clean because Barbie doesn't like to be dirty. It worked. I wanted to keep my pretty underwear clean and dry.

  4. Have you asked her if she needs to go to the doctor?  She could have a urinary tract infection or a bladder infection.  If you ask her a question like that (going to the doctor) she might be embarrassed enough to quit doing it if it is on purpose.

    If it is on purpose it could be an attention thing.  Attention is attention whether it is neg or pos.  

    Or it could be a control thing.  Small children generally don't have much control over things in their lives... but she can control her bodily functions and when and where she does them.  That could very well be it.  So, you could start by giving her more choices.  Simple things.  Ex: Instead of saying Please put on the clothes I picked out for you.  SAY:  Do you want to wear the purple shirt or the green shirt?  In the end... she still gets dressed... but she has a choice.

    I've done that with my kids and they do behave much better than when I'm just bossing them around and giving no choices.

    Good luck!  I hope I could help.

  5. YELLING IS MAKING IT WORSE> would you won't someone to yell at you for something you might not be able to control. Suck it up and take the girl to the doctor. she could have something really wrong with her body. and stop being a d**k

  6. Have the doctor check her out.  If nothing is wrong with her, start a star chart, smileyface chart, etc.  Tell her each day she goes without peeing her pants, she gets a smiley face.  When she gets three in a row, she gets to go out for ice cream, gets a candy bar, etc.  When she goes a whole week without peeing her pants, she can go to the zoo, McDonald's, BK, and play in their play area.  Then stretch it to two weeks, then a month.  By then, the problem should be licked and you can stop the chart.

    Don't be angry that she lied about it.  She lied because she knew you'd lose your cool, and it may not be her fault.  No more getting mad over this.

  7. she's 6??

    have you gotten her to a doctor to make sure she doesn't have anything going on internally?

    and stop yelling and punishing her, that's only making it worse.

    okay, my son had encopresis, (he had bowel movements in his pants) until he was 11, I know how frustrating it is, BELIEVE ME!!

    but as I stated, make sure there's nothing wrong with her bladder, kidneys, or Urinary Tract, if that's all clear, maybe seeing a psychologist would help, try to stay calm, punishing her will NOT help, trust me..

  8. well if it is happening mostly at school, you have to understand that the kids have to ask to use the restroom and teachers will sometimes deny them.  especially if it is an inconvenient time.  

    having a urinary tract infection can also cause this.  a growth spurt can also cause this to happen.

    if she is not doing it when she is at home, where she is able to go to the restroom when ever she needs to, I  would bet it is just that she was made to wait and couldn't hold it.

    She is going to lie about peeing her pants if she is going to get into trouble over it.  punishing a child for wetting their pants is not the way to handel it.  you punish controlable bad behavior,  she may or may not be able to controle this.

    She can't just get up and walk out of class,  there is not a restroom on the bus.  when you have to go you have to go.  they do not have the bladder controle that we do.

    I am sure she doesn't want to pee her pants.  it imbarrasses her, and it gets her yelled at by you.  There is no benifit.

    Relax, talk to her teacher. to find out what bathroom rules they have and ask the teacher to work in a bathroom break  twards the end of the day.

  9. You grounded her for peeing her pants?!

    That's so mean!

    I wore pull-ups when I was around her age.

    Go see the doc, and use pull ups or good nites.

  10. I really don't think she should be punished for something she can not help. She may be laughing to hard, the teacher may not let her go to the bathroom, E.T.C. Well tell her when she feels it coming, GO TO THE BATHROOM!. And about the lying problem, you should punish for lying because my dad always told me trust is like a building and every time you lie you tear it down then it takes a long time to rebuild that trust!

  11. Okay, first of all grounding her is not a good idea.  Yelling at her is not gonna do any good either.  First, what you need to do is make her wear a Pull Up until she can come home with a clean one.  She'll learn.  Also, you may need to remind her to go to the bathroom because most kids don't realize they have to until it's too late.

  12. She probably has a uti or kidney infection. Bring her to the doctor.

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