
My six year old peed in the trash can beside the toilet, what is going on?

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My six year old peed in the trash can beside the toilet, what is going on?




  1. He was probably bored or wanted to see what reaction he'd get. Who knows. If he makes a habit of it, intervene, but he was probably just being silly.

  2. im sure it isnt funny when u have to clean it up right.  i understand where ur comming from.  u have to talk to him and let him know.  it isnt funny when he does that. and that u have to clean it after. maybe u can even have him help you clean it after so that way he'll think twice about doing it.  good luck!

  3. Ha ha it's nothing to be worried about. Kids do goofy things.  Just tell him/her that the trash can is for garbage and the toilet is for pee. Good luck! =]

  4. He was working on his aim probably. That is just a little boy thing. You should try the toilet stickers. You can buy them at walmart and you put them in the toilet for aiming practice. It is fun for him and he will learn that the toilet is more fun than the trash :)

  5. That is really funny! Well, probably not for you....but it is for us!  When brother was about 4 or 5, he went through a stage where he would ONLY pee mother was getting sooooo flustered!  Finally, she started giving him Cheerios to throw into the toilet for "aiming". He thought of it more as a game than anything. It worked! We ended up having a little candy jar full of Cheerios in the bathroom for 2 years!

  6. My son peed in our trash can too....& it was in the kitchen!!! dont owrry about it.

  7. Thats funny.

  8. that is just him being a kid, he think is funny and is something new, just take away the trash can and tell him that is for trash only, make him a story about how bad would it smell and over act the story, do a funny thing for him instead of getting mad at him, if u get mad he wont stop, they are like that.

    jajaja, thats funny

  9. dude kids will b kids especailly at 6

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