
My six year old son loves girls toys and dolls!?

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I have seen questions on here about 2-3 year old boys liking girls toys, and answers saying that they will grow out of it, well my son hasnt! I am personally not bothered and if anything, I think it will make him a more rounded adult, but my ex hubby and inlaws tell my son that he shouldnt be playing with 'girls toys' and it is starting to upset him as I have always told him he can play with whatever he wants. I don't know whether to confront them about it or not. Some back up here would be nice!




  1. Cram a Barbi in your relatives and husbands mouths and let your son enjoy his life unrestricted (within reason)

  2. It's not a big deal. I think the problem is mostly how we perceive things in society (i.e. pink is for girls and what not)  I know ladies that don't like pink nor high heels -plus it looks uncomfortable.

    Welcome to a brave new world!

  3. My psych teacher told me that boys should play with dolls because it teaches them Fatherhood.

    Maybe your inlaws should've let your ex play with them ;)

    Just give him a variety, boys and girls toys. You're right, he'll more well rounded.

  4. Hmmm....Well my cousin he is gonna be 5 in april and he still plays with girl tuys like barbies and etc. But for you if you just take away all the girl toys and provide him with boy toys and show him how cool they are or put him to watch action movies he will say oh thats the weapon for that movie you know and it worked for my brother he also used to play with girl toys and i thought of the idea and it worked!

    Good Luck!


    i don't know if you have a problem or not.I do believe that a child that played with what ever

    he likes learn faster.often people over react to

    children's toys and a child a toy is a toy.if it's a pretty toy,a child more than likely. play with it.

  6. Just leave him alone - he'll do what he wants.

    I'm sure, I mean, as you're a parent, you'll love your son regardless.

  7. Do not make an issue out of it.  It is not a big deal and it is normal.  

    Most boys seem to be more self conscience and aware of what is "acceptable"  around 2nd grade - some from pier pressure - yes, even in 2nd grade.

    But if that's what makes him happy isn't that more important.  Clearly, the underlying concern is more than "girl toys" vs. "boy toys".  

    He will be who he is but knowing he is normal and accepted by his family is by far the most important

  8. well, eventually most everyone grows out of playing with toys of any kind, so it really shouldn't matter. maybe he'll understand girls a little more and have a easier time with them.

  9. If that's what he likes to play with and he is happy, then let him play with what he wants to.

    Tell your husband and his family to go to H*ll!

  10. i think you should try to entice him into liking boy toys and maybe that will work. Good luck!

  11. I think this whole idea of girls' toys and boys' toys in our society is completely artificial. Who's to say what is for girls and what is for boys? All we're doing is setting them up for difficulties later in life. We start out by dressing our little boys in blue and our little girls in pink, progress to deciding who should play with tractors and who should play with dolls, tell them which sports are for which gender, then we wonder why we have gender issues once they're adults. I want my children to respect both genders and to respect themselves. Setting up these artificial boundaries is not how I choose to do it.

    It seems as if chastizing a son about anything so silly is just sending a message that he's not good enough the way he is. Maybe he'll get other interests as he gets older, maybe he won't. Does that mean his father and family won't love him then?

    Sorry to rant, but I feel strongly about this.

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