
My six yr old? My son has become totally out of control he has got into 3 fights already at school...he starts

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them all! I take toys, games, tv and the computer away from him he does't care! Time outs don't work! Any advice?




  1. Send the little SHITSTAIN  to military school!

  2. Spank the child's bare bottom, and make him wear nothing in the house except for a diaper, and make him wet himself from the time he gets home from school till the time he gets up the next morning for school for two weeks, and tell him if he keeps it up that he will stay that way untill he starts acting nice to you, and if he wants to play outside he can play outside with nothing on.

  3. The BIG question is, why is he so agressive towards his classmates? Is he is first grade? Is he struggling with the math and the reading? How is he doing with school work? Sometimes frustrations from school work can carry-over into other things and he may be taking that frustration out on his classmates. There is an underlying reason for his agressive behavior, and that is what you need to figure out. Ask him why he fights with kids. Teach him to count to 10 and breathe deep when he feels like pummeling someone. Maybe there's some impulse control problems there. Does he scream and you and try to smack you or is this fighting strictly at school?

  4. Slap him

  5. Is he winning these fights...?

  6. He needs attention, interaction and you have to develop a communication with him.  You can't do that when he is too busy playing with tv, computers and other self absorbing, mind paralyzing opportunities.  Talk to him while the two of you are going for a walk, shooting hoops (basket ball).  Don't try to occupy him with objects.  Subliminally get into his world.  Be a part of it and he will share it with you.  You were a kid once.  Put your state of mind where his is.  You may even enjoy it and him.  Start over.  He will be your friend when he is grown.

    It's easy to go for help but you really can figure it out yourself.  Going to 'experts' takes the control away from you.   Parenting is a natural phenomenon.  Don't make it seem so difficult because when you talk with each other, you tear down so many barriers.  He is fighting for attention, YOURS!

    You are the adult.  Everyone knows your the boss.  You don't have to prove it, it is a given.  Of course time outs don't work.  He needs love.

  7. send him to military school or juvie

  8. you need to get together with the teacher and principal and work out a behavioural managment plan. It needs to be coming from school and home to make a difference. Does the school tell you what he is fighting about? That would help to know

  9. start watching the super nanny to get some tips on how to control your little one and see if you can get her to come help you. that lady knows her stuff.

    also, you may want to take him to the doctor to see if he has any learning disabilities.

    if he's witnessed any problems at home with you and your spouse, that could also trigger issues with children.

    if he is not learning disabled, then he can be taught to behave with the proper help. counselor, therapist, dr, etc

  10. He starts them all. Ask him why and i think the sticker rule is an awesome idea. Yeah he needs something to work for. You know in addtion to getting toy when he gets five when he gets ten go somewhere fun like an arcade or a movie and when he gets 30 do something really neat. Have idea ready for that because once he begins to figure out oh hey I am getting stuff he'll do it more and more often. Something to work for  is  when he gets like 100 plan a soeacil trip on like a break or over the summer. My dad use to take us to a theme park every summer with some of our friends and that was always fun. If he has something to look forward to he'll work for it. Find out what teh fights are about make he doesn't awlasy start them

  11. Have you talked to him?

    Ask him why he does that.

    In addition to taking things, you need to set up a system where he can earn it back with good behavior.

    Get a chart and he gets a sticker for each day he goes without fighting.  

    He gets a sticker when he uses his words and talks to the kids.

    When he gets 5 stickers, he gets a toy.


    When he gets a sticker he gets 30 minutes of TV time.


    When he has stuff taken away, he doesn't get to do anything else fun either.  Make him pick up.  Make him fold clothes.  If you have a dog, he has to scoop p**p.

    When he's had TV taken away, put him in his room and watch his favorite shows without him.  Make a big deal that all he has to do is behave to watch with you.

    That's how you make "time outs" work.  Make him watch you, and/or his siblings do something fun.  KEEP REMINDING HIM why he has to sit.

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