
My skates are giving me pain, help?

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i bought a pair of mission hockey skates a few weeks ago.

The first few times i used them they were okay.

But lately i've been getting a really bad pain on the inside of my ankle.

I went to the physio and he said that i had torn the legiment or something in my foot.

And that i should stay off the ice for awhile

So i did and the pain disappeared.

But the other day i went to put my skates on and the pain instantly returned when i put my skate on.

I noticed that there's a bump of padding on the inside of my skate and that's causing my pain.

But the other foot is perfectly fine.

What should i do?

Would getting my skates baked help?

Please help.

I can't stand not skating for much longer!

And i'm scared that if i go skating and endure the pain then i got injure myself further.

Help :(




  1. Hey :)

    Wow those skates sound pretty nasty,

    it is always a good idea to bake your skates and then where them - it really helps to shape the skates around your foot and any bumps or unusual shapes on your foot!

    try padding like bubble wrap or sponge this could help!

    or maybe even different types of socks

    - thin - thicker -

    Hope i helped

    (if you think i helped please put me as best answer)

    LY xx


  2. Im not completely sure, but it could be a fracture in your ankle or your tying your laces to tight which causes your blood circulation to cut off. Or it could also be the ankle support on the skates, im not completely sure, it could be many more reasons like a size to small or to big.. I go prob go on but i really dont know. Sorry.

  3. I'm not sure if you can do this with hockey skates, but with figure skates you can ask the local skate guru to punch them out where they are causing pain. This should relieve the pressure quite a bit. Also, definitely bake them. It softens up the leather so the skates can mold to your feet (instead of the other way around) Just make sure that when you bake them you wear them sitting down or standing with your knees straight. If you bend your knees too much while the skates are still hot you may cause them to break down faster. I would also consider investing in a BungaPad. It is a gel sleeve that goes around your ankle and is specially made for skaters. they helped me for many years =]

  4. try wearing thinner socks.   if that doesnt work than try plan b

    plan b-- u know the things that people put powder on peoples face with? the usually round soft usually skincoloured thingies ? well get one and stick it between the bump and your foot.

       if both dont work, i have know idea

  5. wear some thick socks or put some padding on the inside.

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