
My skin over my p***s Top tip is not yet broken. I had s*x several times for the past 4 years. Suggest me

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Do i need to CIRCUMCISION to open my p***s skin. How much would it cost? Please suggest me.




  1. The f******n isn't supposed to "break."  You should be able to retract (pull back) the f******n to expose the entire glans (p***s head) during an erection comfortably and easily.  If not, then your f******n might be too tight/narrow, a condition called phimosis.  Thankfully, most cases of phimosis don't require surgery and there are things you can personally do to "fix" it.

    The first thing to try are called stretching exercises.  In one stretching exercise, take 2 fingers (one from each hand), hook each finger on either side of the f******n opening, and stretch in opposite directions (as if you're trying to increase its diameter) as much as possible without pain or discomfort.  Stretch and hold for a few seconds, then let go and let it relax for a few seconds.  Repeat this process over and over again for about 15-20 minutes twice a day.  It's best to do these after a shower/bath when the skin's most flexible.  See link 1 for more useful info.

    If after a month or so and you see little/no progress, ask your doctor about certain prescription creams that're supposed to help loosen the f******n.  In one study, these creams are the most cost-effective treatment a doctor can provide you (link 2).  You can even combine the creams with the stretching exercises to make things go a bit faster, though it may still take up to 1-3 months to get the full effect.

    In almost all cases of a tight f******n, the above treatments are all that's necessary.  Very rarely will surgery be required, so ignore any comments/suggestions telling you to get circumcised - it's just not necessary.  See the remaining links for more useful info and good luck with whatever you try.

  2. men don't have anything that breaks during first s*x chill out  

  3. Your f******n doesn't normally break, mate.

    If it is too tight to reveal your glans you should try to stretch it... every day in the shower under warm water for five minutes over a period of a month or two and that ought to do the trick. It will stretch over your glans.

    If it is attached to your glans.. that is smegma.. again, wash it with soapy water every day trying to retract it a little at a time.. for about a month or so until it is free.

  4. If it doesn't hurt nothing is required. If you feel the pain you may need the circumcision.

  5. If u can have s*x without opening glans....then u can continue  sessions longer than other,,,,,,,,,,,,GOODLUCK

  6. Here's a link to my detailed stretching instructions.

    Avoid circumcision unless it's really necessary because you lose a lot if you get that done; plus it takes a month or two to to heal and never feels the same.

  7. No. No. No. No. Do not cut off your "heart-center".   Your f******n will loosen. It is different for many males at different ages. 9, 15, 18-21.  I use to stick my p***s up in the facet in the bathtub.  Others recommend the warm water and sitting in the bathtub with a bar of soap.  Others say there are lotions. Many men will reccommend masterbation.

      I'm sure you will get alot of males that can answer this question and give you good advice.  This type of question is asked quite alot here. So you are in good company.

  8. I would suggest you see a Doctor and get circumcised! I was when I was 18 and would do it again in a heartbeat! It is cleaner, healthier for both partners and it looks better! The antis would have you believe there is some great loss of sensitivity and that is all pure BS!

  9. i dont understand what is ur problem with the f******n?

    if u r able to have successful s*x.. then forget everything else...

    just keep rocking... u really dont need to go for circumcision.

  10. If you mean that your f******n doesnt retract, that is not a good or healthy thing.  The f******n should readily retract either by pulling  it back manually or during s*x.  If it doesn't and you cant see the head, the first thing you need to do is see an urologist(a p***s doctor).  You should go see one because you can wind up with some nasty infections from the buildup of smegma.  He will give you guidance on what to do.  You can try stretching exercises.  If they dont work, then you might need a circumcision.  Dont be in a panic it is not as bad as it sounds.

    The anti circumcision guys gave you sites to go to.  here are some to find out what circumcision is all about.

    If you live in the USA, phimosis is an indicator for circumcision and medical insurance will cover it.

    modern circumcisions are done using dissolving stitches, and local anesthesia.  it takes about one half to one hour.

    here are the top two circumcisers in the USA.  Dr Reed is also a plastic surgeon.

    Main website for Dr. Reed's "The Reed Center":

    Patient comments, Dr. Reed:

    Yahoo group for Dr. Reed:

    Main website for Dr. Cornell's "Circumcision Center":

    Patient comments, Dr. Cornell:

    Yahoo group for Dr. Cornell:

    Their websites have all the info you need.  you can also join these two groups and get more info

    over 2000 members happily circumcised as adults.

  11. Is it hurting U or obstracting U to get optimum level of sexual pleasure.

    I am sure, not . Don't worry enjoy life.There is no need to go for the circumcision.

  12. circumcision is never needed to solve this

    you just need to do some stretching, basically stretch the opening, if you do regularly for a while you will grow new skin and have the flexibility you need to retract the f******n (see the links below) you can also get topical steroid cream from the doctor to help speed it up

    also do a web search for "phimosis stretching"

    some people who solved their problem

  13. does it hurt... no. does it do its job...yes. if it aint broke dont fix it.

  14. If its not broken then you dont need surgery.

  15. Why do you want it to break? Is it hurting you? If not then forget the idea of breaking.

  16. Circumcision would help.  

  17. Sounds like phimosis, Circumcision would fix that, but you do not have to go to that extreme.  Look up stretching exercises for that first. Good Luck.

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