
My skull/skalp hurts bad. Everytime i touch the left side of my head i ache in pain... what could it be?

by  |  earlier

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I didnt wear a hairbow today and i didnt hit my head, but it feels like someone knocked the c**p outta me. I can put very little pressure on the left side of my skull and feel so much pain... this hurts bad? could this insist something bad is wrong with me? My head literally hurts lol

by the way im 7 months pregnant, if that means anything.





  1. You could be having a sinus or migraine headache which would hurt if you applied pressure.  I'm leaning toward sinus since you may be retaining fluids.

    Try ice pack on the back of your neck & at point of pain pressure.

    Feel better & Congrats!!

  2. just the fact that you are pregnant and having issues then call your ob and see them. it could be something serious or maybe not but they would know..

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