
My sky HD box goes to standby sometimes during the day and won't switch on again.?

by  |  earlier

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I have to switch it off completely and wait a few minutes before I can get it to work again.Is this how it updates software or is it faulty? It is nearly 11 months old.




  1. Give Sky a call about it as it is coming up to the end of the warranty. Sometimes it is a software update,sometimes it just loses the signal.I tend to leave it off for at least 60 seconds,remove the viewing card and replace again before turning back on again.I also took out the insurance they offer after 12 months,it is worth it,especially if your box is playing up now,they will leave you a spare box if they have to take it away under the insurance scheme,otherwise they do charge for call out and a repair ,it could end up as much as a new box,so it is worth thinking about.

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