
My sky isn't working properly. Help me PLEASE.?

by  |  earlier

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I have got an Amstrad Digibox and on alot of the channels it come up "No Satelite Signal being received", I have tried turning it off and pressing the back up button and turning it back on, it doesn't help.

I've done the LNB pages but that didn't help either.

Thanks for reading and hopefully you can help me before I have to call Sky and pay the £65 charge.




  1. This happened to my mum.

    Birds were nesting on the dish.

  2. Hi, i was wondering how old the box is? If it is like the one below then it is likely to be at fault as these were one of the worse on the market.

    Best to call sky and ask to be put through to the cancellations department.

    Before they go over your request they will eventually ask can the problem be resolved then ask to have the call out and repair for free- Anything to keep you subscribed.

    My aunt has done it twice as regards not happy with package prices and got half price subscription for her the the same for her Mother.

    Hope it helps

  3. Turn the digibox off and take out all the cables from the back of the box. leave for 3 mins and replug back in. this is what sky told us to do and it worked.

  4. Try turn off the main and turn back on again. Make sure all the cables are insert to the right place. Some time the cable might come loose. All the best.

  5. Hi i really cant help with this but there are people all over the U.K. having the same problem as yourself could be one of the satellite relays is down , but if it has been under a year then you should not have too pay the £65 charge!.

  6. If you have turned it off at the wall socket for a few minutes and  turned it back on and you still having the same problem.Then i'm afraid to say it's the box on it's way out.It happened with mine.before i had my hd box.If sky come out like you say it will cost you £65.00 but tell the engineer you want the box changing.Good luck

  7. if you email me on   , I may be able to give you a bit of advice before you pay money to sky.

    Nothing dodgy, dont worry and No I'm not a nut. I'll check the email later and get back to you.

  8. i had that problem no satellite signal  

    some  moron nicked my dish sky replaced it for free

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