
My sliding glass door won't shut all the way suddenly. why?

by  |  earlier

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It was installed about 3 years ago and worked perfectly all the time. Now that it is late at night, I let the dog out and suddenly it won't shut. My dh is going to freak in the morning. I can shove it to lock it, but I still see a small crack. Why did this just happen suddenly? Can I fix it before he ever knows? I know I will be blamed, but all I did was open it and now it won't shut. Aghhh!




  1. Is there something in the track? If there is any obstruction laying in the track, it won't go all the way closed. Also, some have a piece of trim at the top that can slide to one side or the other. If it has slid over the end, it can prevent the door from closing all the way.

  2. If it is also harder to move than it used to be, a wheel has probably broken. This could change the angle of the latch just enough so the the latch is jamming. (Helpful tip: if you need to take the door out of the track make sure the bottom edge doesn't touch carpeting as it may have grease/oil on it.) Good luck.

  3. as stated above    sounds like you have a bad roller dont take it out the tracks tonight case ya cant get it back!!!!!!!!!!!! try puttin some soap on the tracks mostly on the bottom try to work it in !!!!oh yeah move your foot when closing!!!!! if your boy freakes about that get yourself a new boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  4. The previous suggestions are great.

    In addition, most houses shift on the ground somewhat like a boat on the water. This causes the door frame to no longer be square. This happens to indoor wooden doors as well.

    Be patient, do not try to fix that door unless it is a good part of your skill set. Tell dh what happened he should recognize that all houses have problems that are not somenone's fault and you can work together to develop a plan to fix it or get it fixed.

    Please tell me what a "dh" means. Is it "dear husband?"

  5. In addition to the above answers, there's often an adjusting s***w on the edge of the  door (that'll adjust the roller up & down).

  6. You have debris in the track..vaccuum it then spray with a good silicone spray

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