
My snake has a lump in his side?? it wasent there yesterday what is wrong?

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My snake has a lump in his side?? it wasent there yesterday what is wrong?




  1. Tumor quite possibly or it ate something it shouldn't have.

  2. ur snake must have eaten a mouse or something!!!!

  3. Have you fed him?

    If you have, then it is probably just the undigested mouse that you gave him (if you gave him that.)

    If not, I'd suggest you take him to the vet ASAP.

    Good Luck!

  4. Either your snake has Dermatitis or it ate a mouse.

    If you didn't feed it, I recommend an exotic animal veteranian.

  5. It may erupt through the skin, be prepared, you may have a snake with worms. It's common and easilly treated at a vet. It's pretty gross if you see it break open. It may also be that he was fed. When did you feed him last? Is he constipated? When was his last BM? If it has been over 8 days of feeding and no BM then take him to the vet. See my question on Monitor care, it's similar to the care your snake would want to be given.

  6. Do you have pictures?

  7. he ate a mouse or something that happens when they eat

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