
My snake is a brazillian rainbow boa and i've had him for about a year and he recently has been snapping at me

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my snake is a brazillian rainbow boa and i've had him for about a year and he recently has been snapping at me when i try to pick him up.I'ts been really making me pissed off and i'm getting ready to get rid of him and get a coastal carpet python someone help me out please.




  1. These are most likely defensive bites, which have nothing to do with feeding in the cage.

    There is a myth, widely circulated on yahoo answers, that you should feed snakes in a separate box, to keep them from biting you. It doesn't work, and disturbing a snake at feeding time like that can throw them off feed. Continue feeding the snake in its own cage.

    Rainbow boas are generally a nippy species. Frequent handling may minimize this trait, but some specimens will remain nippy their entire lives.

    Many beginners do not pick the snake up correctly. They are nervous about being bitten, so they reach in slowly and cautiously. Some even hold their hand out for the snake to "sniff" and "get their scent", as ridiculous as that sounds. By doing so, they actually INVITE the snake to bite!

    Instead, when you reach in, do so QUICKLY and decisively, and GRAB the snake, before it has time to react. Defensive bites are MUCH less likely to occur as the snake is being handled.

  2. From what I have heard, and seen at reptile expos, and online, rainbow boas can be nippy snakes. Just keep picking him up and eventually he will calm down.

    If you don't want to get bitten, a carpet python is not the way to go, either.  

  3. Do you feed him in his cage? If so that's why he thinks your throwing in food. Also if that is the case any snake will start snapping at you over time. Feed him in another cage and it should be fine. If you are not feeding him in his cage then feed him more. If none of that helps I will take him from you! I run a reptile rescue and have a special heart for snappy snakes. They are usually fine after a little work. If all else fails you could get him out with a snake stick or something like it. He should be fine once out of the terrarium.

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