
My snake turned on me!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I dont know why but my ball python is acting really aggressive!!

Just now she tried to strike at me through the glass twice!!!

Usually she would love to be handled everyday, but now im afraid to even stick my hand in the tank!!

I think my little brother was messing with her yesterday while I was gone, and maybe he made her angry...

does this kind of thing pass over??

she has never ever struck at me accept on accident once during feeding time.

she ate last night so she cant possibly be hungry...

how do I make her trust me again?!?!?!

plzzzz help




  1. She is probably just stressed out.  Give her some time.  Also, what did you feed her?  Maybe she is still hungry - why don't you get another mouse and see if she is interested in it?

    And btw, if your brother is abusing or harassing your snake you are just going to get an animal that is afraid of people and is always stressed out.  It is YOUR pet and relies on YOU, you should be able to keep her safe and secure.

    Edit: Snakes make fine pets, my Stan is very friendly.  And no, don't just "get rid of her", that is being a horribly irresponsible pet owner.

  2. If your brother was teasing her, or disrespecting her, it is common for animals to not trust other humans because they believe they'll get hurt again. So what do they do, they go on the defensive. Another thing it could be is just hormones, but usually if a animal is provoked. They won't let others near them. They'll give you a "Don't come near me warning," and if you go near their territory, they'll strike. Just give you snake some room, maybe it's nervous about something.

    My co-worker did something to another co-worker's dog one night while drunk, now the dog hates him, and will bite him if he comes close. It was after that he won't go near any males, but now the dog only growls at the co-worker, and tolerates other males again.

    Hope this helps!

  3. leave the snake alone for a few days, make sure its warm enough to digest food and give it somewhere to hide.

    Sometimes it can take a couple of weeks to come around.

  4. Leave her alone a few days, when you go to change her water, put a cloth over her hide, if she is in it, or over her if she isn't, to keep you out of her sight. If you don't have a hide, I suggest you go get one right away for her to feel secure. Ball pythons hide during the day, and are active at dusk and dawn. A hide will make her feel protected and shielded.

    When you can, to make sure your brother doesn't mess with her too much, get a snake cage with a lock and hide the keys away from him (always one is a safe place you never go into so it doesn't get lost), or get a combination lock. Tell your parents he isn't allowed near the snake when you aren't home and see if they will allow you to have a lock on your door so he won't harass it anymore. If your parents don't want a lock on your door, tell them that you will give them a key and you have nothing to hide, you just want to make sure he doesn't hurt your pet and make it vicious towards you.

  5. Hard core made a lot of sense!  you couldn't go wrong by listening to his/her advice!

  6. is your snake tall    

  7. She just ate yesterday??? Why don't you give her sometime to relax and digest. Shes aggressive because she just ate yesterday. You don't take snakes out when they just ate.

  8. you can ask a vet but you can just make her happy feed her and hope it will pass

  9. i wouldnt worry too much just leave her be for a while and eventualy she;ll be ok again.

  10. just leave your snake alone for a while and wait for her to calm down , she should be fine within a couple of days my uncle had a snake too and his daughter teased him,

    you got nothing to worry about your snake is just pissed off

  11. leave the snake alone for a few days, make sure its warm enough to digest food and give it somewhere to hide.

  12. not sure about that..if she continues this behavior its best u get rid of her before you or someone gets bit

  13. I cant say why they do this but my boa strikes the glass when I walk by sometimes I think maybe they just get surprised, but even after he does this I am able to go right in there and take him out and he is just fine so don't be scared of him.

  14. Sometimes snakes will become aggressive when it is time for them to shed their skin because they go slightly blind. This is from the skin over their eyes lifting to come off with the rest. When she has shed her skin, feed her and let her come to you as much as possible so that it is on her terms, not the other way around.  

  15. maby its mating time for the snake

  16. no no no...snakes can't be friendly...take a puppy for me they're WAY better than these nasty snakes...

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