
My social security card was lost, do I need to notify anybody?

by  |  earlier

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Im going to the SS office to get a replacement, but do I need to let any credit agencies know?




  1. You need to contact the three credit reporting agencies: Experian, Equifax and Transunion and put a flag on your credit reports.  That will force anyone that wants to open a new account to call you to verify you want to open the account.  Losing the card opens you up to being an identity theft victim.

  2. Well... it doesn't matter, go apply for the new one at the SS office.

    Then go on and check it often as allowed.

    I would wait a month and then check Equifax, then wait 3 months and check Transunion, and so on...

    If you notice any activitiy...then you will have to take legal action.

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