Today my son ( he's 17 months) was playing with a drum stick and at first he was just hitting the drum, then he started to run and play with it So I got little scared, that he might get hurt, so i was going to take it away,but he raned away from me Well then he felled and the stick went in his mouth, It must of went far bec. he started to bleed. he was crying and we didn't see any cut or anything else. would a drum stick cause him to bleed if it went to far in his throught? and its not like the drum stick is sharp. He was gagging on the blood bec he was crying so much. and we tried to put a wash cloth in his mouth to dry up the blood, but that made him really mad. So my hubby told me to breast feed him to calm him down, (It worked) after he ate he was find and he went off playing. I'm just worried about what made him bleed. what do you think?