
My son, in Carol Stream, IL, found a raccoon in the dumpster at his apts., will the raccoon be able to get out

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He's worried because their is no garbage in the dumpster and the raccoon couldn't get out. He went on to work, figuring he'd call some places that would help, but can't find anyone to help, also called police.




  1. Raccoons are pretty smart, so unless he's really in there good, the raccoon will probably figure out how to escape.  He might, however, be a young one, and inexperienced.  Usually what wildlife people will do is to place in the dumpster a broken tree branch or some other aid to give the poor creature something to climb out on.  

    The little guy probably won't make the same mistake again.  Usually they try to get there before the trash pickup.

  2. I would suggest finding an old 2x4 and placing it in the bin so that the raccoon can climb out. Please tell your son that whatever he does do not get too close to the raccoon, nor try to handle it. Many have rabies, and their f***s is poisonous, so I would not try and save the 2x4 for later use since his paws may have came into contact with his excrement.

  3. As long as it is not a water filed container, the animal should be fine.  It is a wild animal, and unless it has attacked, or is in danger of attacking animal control will not help you.

  4. Call Animal Control if you have it in your area.  I'm an Animal Control Officer and raccoons cannot always get out of a dumpster by themselves if it's too deep and there is no garbage to use to climb out.  The way we get them out is lowering a snare pole, the raccoon will usually grab on or we snare them around their body and we lift them out.  Don't try it on your own though, they can be mean.  If you don't have Animal Control in your area, put a large piece of 2x4 wood or something so the raccoon can get out on his own.  And then wait because he might leave at night when he feels safe.

  5. Dont worry, the raccoon can get out on his own.  I've seen it plenty of times.

  6. Yeah. Take my word for it. Raccoons are very adept at climbing.

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