
My son, who's almost 2 is so jealous of his older sister who's 4.5.?

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He has no reason, I give him a lot of attention, and she was so sweet when he was born, and so loving. But lately as he began to hit and bite her and mess up all her toys and things, she started hitting him back, and they both fight all the time. He does not take no for an answer, he throws a major tantrum if i ever say no to anything. How can I manage this situation. By the way they love each other a lot in spite of all this.




  1. probably cause she's a girl you can do mor ethings with her than him

  2. that is just the nature of the 2 year old beast. My almost 3 year old thinks that life revolves around him.

    I would tell him every single time that he hits that it is not allowed. I used to tell my son "we don't hit (bite)...that is not nice...we hug and kiss instead"

  3. This sounds like my family.  Tell your four year old to hit him harder next time.  Although if he's like my son he might then grab an object to hit sissy with.  Just kidding, this may not be the best solution.  Just ignore the tantrums and they will go away after a couple of years.  I find them kind of funny.  Especially when he lays down and kicks the floor.  She was sweet as a child by the way because she didn't have an older sibling to compete with.

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