
My son ( 23) is living in Edinburg for 3 weeks now ; He's looking for a job.?

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He speaks quite fluently english and spanish, he got diplomas in History and archives (master level I and II) He's clever and intelligent, and ready to do any kind of job.I'm his mum and I help him for money but not enough (i'm divorced). I'm in trouble because he's far from me and I can't support him. Do you have a lead to help him ? PS: We are french !




  1. check newspapers such as evening news on monday and thursday and the scotsman on friday

    there is also a free newspaper that you can get daily from stands in town or on the bus or in the train station called the metro recruitment pages on a thursday

    hope this helps!

  2. he could try getting job seekers allowance.  go to the local job centre and enquire because if he is elligible he can get £40 per week just to look for jobs.

    However being french he may not be elligible but its worth finding out for sure

  3. have a look at:

    Should keep him busy....

  4. When my Daughter lived in Edinburgh, there were always plenty of jobs in bars.

  5. Its hard to start afresh in new country.  Tell him to put notices up in supermarkets to teach french.  Christmas is coming up and so lots of jobs are coming up.  You said he is ready to do anything so apply for the  Christmas jobs.  He speaks all these languages so how about in a hotel.   What kind of work does he want?

  6. Your son is no longer a baby, and judging by his academic achievements is no slouch.

       I think that your son will do well for himself and that you are worried for nothing. One of the most important lessons to learn in life is to stand on one's own two feet. This is where your son is at right now.

       As I mentioned earlier I think that your son has a bright future ahead of him. J'ai tout a fait confiance que votre fils va se debrouiller.

  7. Try The Dynamic Earth or the Museum

  8. There are a number of recruitment agents and temping agents in and around Edinburgh - there's a few on Hanover Street and Rose Street in the New Town. Get him to get in touch with them.

    Good luck!

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