
My son's girlfriend?

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My son Pix who is fivee came home today talking about hurracanes Gustav and Hanna, he said "My teacher said that her daughter drove through two tornados to get away from Gustav!" He was fastinated then frowned "What?" Samantha my three year old daughter asked he said "If my girlfriend was in a huracan tornado how would she get in the ditch?" "It would have water in it" first of all I also ask thiswith out the girl friend part, second of all we started the conversation "Pix you're five do you even know what a girlfriend is?" I said 'What a girlfriend honey?'' Samantha started chanting "Pix has a girlfriend" I looked at her and said "No he doesn't" then I sent Samantha to play, I said "Pix who is your *girlfriend*?" "Sherlettina from the park, she got in my class today"

"Pix you are five"

"Mom you are twenty"

"Pix you're five and you have no reason or need for a girlfriend you can't get married for anouther twenty years, you are a child"

Then he started this

"She don't even know it yet, but I wrote letters and stuck them in her back pack!" "Then I took Sammy's stuffed cat and gave it to her" and consedentally just then Samantha said "Wheres Candi?!?!"

"Pix....." I said shakeing my head "Why don't you go tell Samantha where Candi is?" "I don't think I want to" he said "I made Pix give Samantha three dollars which was the cost of the cat, (I have this thing where I say that when I go to the store I have a list that looks like mabye

Pix Samantha

$5.00 $2.00

And they get to pick out a toy for that much) Any way one thing came after anouther, I had to call Sherlettina's mother ask for the bear back and I'm switching Pix's classes, should I switch his class to a different teacher he's been doing bad on his kindergarten work which is a little bit you know, should I switch his classes so he consentraites? Or not? thanks!




  1. I wouldn't switch his classes over this.

    He's 5. If he thinks he has a girlfriend, it's not the end of the world, though I would talk to him about stealing his sister's things.

  2. Well that was pretty long but i wouldn't switch his classes so he likes 1 girl in kindergarten and u dont have to lie to his friends mom. Ur suppose to be the mother what kind of example are u u just go lie to the persons mother. So it isnt pixes falt he is making friends and u should be glad about that but ur kinda overreacting. All and all you should be very very very glad that your son pix is making friends. Sorry it was long i am trying to make this the longest responds i have ever ever ever done. So yeah i hope my advice worked for u and if i was mean in anyway i am very very very sorry about it.

  3. No, leave him where he is. He seems happy, is glad his "girlfriend" is in the same class and wants to go to school. Calling a girl his girlfriend is not something you need to worry about, all kids do it. It doesn't mean he really has a girlfriend, because he doesn't know what a girlfriend is. He is learning how society works and what his place in it is. Sometimes boys start out a little slow with school work. It is there make up. He has to learn to settle down, follow rules and how his classroom works. Have a special time with him to help him with his homework. He will enjoy spending time with his mom. Good luck

  4. That is adorable! Nah, don't switch his class - unless the teacher starts making daily phone calls to home - LOL.

    He's 5, he'll be fine.. But you might want to hit spell check every once in a while. =]


  6. Did that really happen or are you the latest novelist in town, spell check and go for the pulitzer

  7. Speaking as a teacher and a mom, here.

    Changing classes and teachers will not necessarily fix your son's attention and other school problems. Rather than blaming the teacher and asking for a new class, why don't you speak with the school to see if they have any insight into the problem? Maybe if you meet with his teacher, you'll both have a better idea of what the problem is and how you can help him.

    Changing classes is like running away from a problem. I am sure ta ht you don't want to send the message to your son that every time he has trouble in school, or otherwise in life, the thing to do is avoid it.

    It's also very important that your son have some stability. If you change his class, he'll have to get used to a new teacher, new routines, and new friends.

    Finally, it's very common for little children to talk about having a GF or BF. They hear adults saying it, so they say it too. They don't really understand what it means (in terms of dating, s*x, marriage, etc.). The best thing to do is just ignore it, and when you mention that girl, just call her his friend.

    I can tell that you're paying a lot of attention to your son and you really care for him.  

  8. First you should find out why he is not concentrating. It may be his "girlfriend" or it may be that he has a learning deficiency, which could be harmful to him later on if not acknowledged now. If he is not concentrating due to his friend, then it may be necessary to transfer his classes, if the school would be willing to work on that with you.

  9. You are switching his classes because he has a girlfriend? He's five for Pete's Sake. Let the boy have some d**n fun mom, don't shelter your kids so much. I have an idea, just tell the teacher what is going on. They love when parents get involved. Then try doing his homework WITH him and make sure he understands it. They also love that. This "girlfriend" thing is something he saw on T.V. It isn't love, it's just fun, so calm down.

  10. I'm not criticizing but if you are twenty and he is five that means you had him when you were fifteen. Anyway just ask the teacher to sit them at opposite ends of the room. Just wait until he is old enough to have a girlfriend:) Good Luck!

  11. Ow. My head.

    It hurts...

  12. wtf 5 and a girlfriend??/too much tv these days;...

  13. LOL

    Is this a section of a story you are writing?  Just to let you know, it's aboslutely awful.  I'd scrap it and start over.


  14. Sounds like normal 5yr old behaviour to me. Why does he needs to change classes at all. Its quite normal for a 5yr old to have a girlfriend, its completely innocent, sorry but I think you are over reacting. As to his sister stuffed toy that he gave away, you have punished him for that, its over. Your son is just a 5 year old enjoying being 5. Switching classes will actualy make it impossible for him to concentrate with all the new kids and teacher etc. That is a huge punishment for having a friend who happens to be a girl and giving away his sisters toy.

  15. me head hurts.

  16. I second Chidzo.  Fake stories are quite easy to spot.
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