
My son's long time girlfriend has been calling me mom lately, do you think they are up to something?

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My son's long time girlfriend has been calling me mom lately, do you think they are up to something?




  1. Could be, why don't you ask them.  Maybe she's doing this in 'hopes' of a proposal?

    Personally, I think she is out of line if they aren't already engaged/married & you haven't asked her to refer to you as Mom.  She's presuming too much, for my part.

  2. Thats a bit difficult to answer, if she is your sons long time girlfriend then maybe she sees you as her second mum.

    If you are asking if they are up to something do you mean planning a wedding or sleeping together ?

    If they are both over the age of consent whether they sleep together or not is really none of your business but if they are planning to get wed then of course it is, they should tell you, so ask them instead.

    Good luck.

  3. How sweet, she probably just feels like part of your family. I don't think anything is going on, but you could ask your son.  

  4. I think she is just feeling like she is part of the family and maybe even assumes that in the future she will officially be part of your family.

    She obviously wants you to know that she considers herself close to you and your son, and maybe marriage is something they've been talking about. Why not just ask?

  5. no she just feels like ur family to her nothing is going on

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