
My son's mood changed about 2 wks after a change in daycares. He says kids don't like him, can this improve?

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He say's other kids don't like him at the new daycare and that he like the old one better because he had more friends there. His behavior right now is very aggressive and defiant at home. However his teachers at daycare says he is doing fine there. Generally he tends to be very shy around others initially and warms up in time. It has been almost a month now at the new daycare and his behavior seems to be getting worse. Should we expect this to change or should we return to the old dycare?




  1. It is normal for kids to be best friends one day and total enemies the next. But if hes not happy there I think you should take him back where he will be happier.

  2. Change is hard, for everyone, especially kids.

    His behaviour is totally normal\Give him a few weeks to make friends and decide then

  3. I think he'll make it okay- My kids (6&4) have had to make several day care changes over the years- and there is always a time period where they are adjusting. My advice is to get him as excited about it as possible. Ask him at the end of every day how everything went? What was his favorited thing that he did, his least favorite? What he had for lunch? Maybe even take him to the store to pick out flowers to take his new teachers, or let him take her some kind of treat...Also, ask him to play with one new friend each day- tell him to find out what their favorite color is, what their favorite food is, etc. I used these tactics when my kid-o's were adjusting and it seemed to work well. Good luck!

  4. Children seem to have a problem with change especially them being so small they have a hard time adjusting to new surroundings . It can change you just have to assure him that its not that the other children don't like him they want to like him  and can like him if they get to know him so tell him to make an effort to speak to some of the other kids in the daycare and he will see that it will be fine if you change back to the old one he will never learn to experience new things and he may feel that change is bad when it can be good  I've went through this with my daughter .


  5. When a child experiences change of school/house/etc. it is known to be one of the major traumas in his life.  

    Obviously in the house he is acting like the kids that bother him in the daycare.

    I recommend a change in day care or this problem may persist. And he may adjust to the mal behavior.

    Don't let his character change into something bad.

  6. How old is he? How much time do you spend with him?

    Next week, try taking a day off for just you two. Go to a park, play around and spend time TOGETHER.

    It really sounds like he's wanting to have more "mommy and me" time.

  7. he should b ok hes just like that because he doesn't no any1 yet but try 4 more months if it doesn't change then take him back 2 his old daycare

  8. What I would do is stand outside the door or watch on the video screen and watch how he acts.  I would also watch how the other kids act around him.  Did you change daycare because of the cost, because it was closer to home or work, or was it something else that made you change?  I would try to figure out what the problem is that he's having a harder time fitting in.

  9. MAYB he is jz different like me

  10. let it be a learning experience. tell him, now he has more friends because he moved schools. you are letting him use guilt, maybe you use it 2 control him...

  11. Well there's ways you can handle it. If you want your child to be strong and independent, you need to keep him at the current day care, but incourage him to be strong and powerful. There's always a certain thng that people think you should tell your kids to do, but you need to do what you think is right for your boy's personality. It seems odd what I just said, but here's how you can help your boy. First, you need to softly talk to him and ask what's wrong. After he's explained, YOU explain to him that HE needs to stand up for himself (if it's a bully issue). Or, he needs to talk to some kids (if it's a problem where everyone's ignoring him). Whatever's right for the issue! What ever's the siple solution. But sometimes it takes more. If your child just doesn't have to confidence, it doesn't mean it's the end, and don't go back to the odl daycare yet. OK, from what I see, you said that it's been a month and it's getting worse. Wow, I'm thinking it might be an issue with the other kids, ignorance, bullying..etc. Talk to him and preferably, "You can tell me anything," It is super helpful. Now, if it's a bad situation, let's say... Bullying, then you need to tell your son what to do exactly: Stand up for himself in a Non-Violent way. Tell him to just ignore the bully until the bully gets bored. If none of this works, you need to tell the daycare owner immediatly. Or not! Maybe it's ignorance. All of the kids forgot him. Incourage him in a peppy voice, "You can do it! I have all the condidence in the world in you! Just walk up to the kids and say hi!" If none of that works, and he's still mad and sad, you might want to consider going back to the old daycare for: 1. Your son's self esteem 2. Your son's happiness 3. You've trying everything possible!

    Remember, this all could be a trick.  Kids sometimes make white lies saying, "The kids are being mean to me," When really he's just being shy, and none of the kids are approaching him. But don't jump to conclusions either. It could be a real problem, and it's extremely important that you believe your son.

    It's all up to you! Do what you think's best but the most important thing is to VOCALISE. SPEAK. INCOURAGE. Your son looks up to YOU for incouragment. And it's your job to give it to him in him time of need.

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