
My son's mother wants to move her and my son away to go back to new orleans what should i do when i'm in nc

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My son's mother wants to move her and my son away to go back to new orleans what should i do when i'm in nc




  1. There has to be some kind of agreement between you and the mother. She can't just take your son out of state without consulting with you 1st regardless if you're together or not. Atleast thats the law here in CT. My husband has a 15yrs old son and has had custody of him since he was 9 years old. His mother left the Unites States but with the agreement of the him going to her every summer for the whole summer while he stays here with us during the school year. There's always something to work out...especially if you're tryin to do your part as a father. Good Luck!

  2. You need to talk to an attorney; I had two friends who were divorced; one had it in the divorce agreement that his son stay in Florida; the other did not and found himself driving for hours on weekends to see his son, so you do need an attorney to protect your paternal rights.

  3. You have to think of what is best for your son first of all. As i don't know the situation its hard to give you a definite answer, but if you and the mother are not togther have you thought about getting your rights as a father? Just clearly and calmly communicate your feelings to her and see what happens but your son comes first. Good luck :)

  4. Pack your bags and start looking for a job in the Big Easy, bud. Your child is more important than anything else, and you have to be where you can have regular contact with him. I know it's a big move, but you'll be so glad you did.

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