
My son's name gets shortened to "Sam" - is that OK?

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My 4.5 year old son's name is Sambhav (pronounced Sum-bhuv, rhymes with SumLuv :-) We sometimes call him "Sam" or "Sammy" at home, but it was always Sambhav at preschool and with friends.

Over the summer, in soccer, swim and other activities he has met new adults and kids, and when asked what he'd like to be called, looks like he has said "Sam". I am predicting that is what he will like to be called in Kindergarten too.

My question is whether the nickname "Sam" is OK ? Or could it later lead to some teasing or so? Is it a common shortened name for boys in the U.S.? Or is it more common for "Samantha"?

Want to make sure, as it will stick with him through elementary school!




  1. As stated already, Sam is a very common name in these parts.  My nephew's name is Sam.  I guess that makes me extra partial to it. It's simple, too.  My name has about six different spellings and is good for a boy or a girl.  He won't have that problem.

  2. Plenty of boys go by the name Sam.  Nothing wrong with it at all.

  3. Its more often a nickname for Samuel, so no, no teasing will ensue.  At least not for that reason :))

  4. why is this a question??  sam is a part of his name and normal.

  5. I think Sam is good. Its much better than Laquesha or Falaquanda, haha.

    But I think people tease more about your last name than your first, thats how it is in my school.

  6. i know boys named sam

    and besides its common for girls and boys to be nicknamed sam  

  7. This is totally up to you to decide. Sounds like Sam is what HE wants to be called - maybe he thinks it 'fits in' better with other names he hears. And it's most commonly short for Samuel in North America, not so much for the female Samantha.

    However, if you decide to keep his name in full, even though it's ethnic, I'm guessing, just do that. Correct people, have him correct people - it's not a big deal. Our son has an unusual ethnic name, too, and we're always constantly spelling it and pronouncing it for people.

    Even with a more common North American name like Andrew, which is what my parents named my younger brother - they did not want him to be Andy, which is what some people would shorten it to. So he went all the way through school as Andrew, and we all called him that. However, once he was done school and working, he only now uses Andy!!  

  8. It's fine.

    In the United States, "Sam" is short for "Samuel," which is a boy's name.

    The girl's name "Samantha" is also sometimes shortened to Sam.

    To be honest, given our society and the teasing that goes on in schools, your son is better off being called "Sam."

    All the best.

  9. Ha I don't have a problem with the name Sam. I'd rather be called Sam than Samantha...but anyway I don't think that's a problem. I know a lot of guys named Sam, and I probably know just as many girls with that name. It's just one of those names that can go either way.  

  10. It's cute :)

  11. sam is better

  12. its actually more common for boys don't worry h**l be okay.

    help me?;...

  13. sam or samual

  14. In the U.S. it is more accepted for boys than girls.

  15. Sam is a very common name, equally for both boys and girls. I wouldn't worry about him getting teased for his nickname.

  16. Sam is actually very common for boys in the US. It is often short for Samuel. Sam is one of the names I have been considering if I have another son.  

  17. while your sons name is unique it is hard to pronounce and remember, especially for children.  Sam is a great nickname, and is very safe as far as the teasing goes.  When he is old enough to make decisions about what he would like to be called then he can correct people and say actually I prefer Sambhav or whatever he would like to be called.


  18. i know tons of boys named Sam!

    my friends crush is named sam too, lol :)

  19. Sam is fine. I have a guy-friend named Sam and no one teases him for it.  

  20. i know 2 sams.

    ones a girl and one is a boy.

    sam-the boy- gets called samantha but he just laughs and pretends he doesnt hear it.

    kids are cruel these days and will make fun of him for it.

    but if he wants to be called it let him go.

    he will get use to getting made fun of or.. he will want a different nickname.

  21. if ever i have a son im naming him Sam!

    Sam is like the best name ever for a boy!

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