
My son's nostrel is clogged with hard crusted boogers and they are painful?

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My son's nose nostrel is clogged with painful and hard crusted boogers. I have tried nose spray, and now i am trying salt water. But he says the salt water burns. Is there anything else i can do to get them out.




  1. hayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  2. Let him play in a hot bath..they should loosen.

  3. fill the sink up with hot hot water put a towel over his head and over the back of the sink where he is surronded by towel with the towel traping the steam from the water and just have him breath in and out in there for a good 5 mins. and then repeat until the crustes are lossed.  good luck

  4. have you tried a warm wash cloth or let him take a long shower, or bath... i dont know how old he is... to try and loosen it up.

  5. If the salt water is burning, Then that means you are adding just alittle too much salt. You could also get a vaperisor to help purify the air at night and make it easier for him to breath. Or try just warm water and then massage the dimples in his nose, then have him try to blow it out. My son had R.S.V. and he had hard boogers too. And all of thoose techniques worked for him. Even the salt water. :)

  6. Plain warm water (no salt) Or if you have a warm mist humidifier that could help too.

  7. I would stay away from the nasel spray, I undeerstand they are not even good for adults, I recommend using a very warm wash cloth placed over the bridge of his nose, this has always worked for my kids.. Good Luck

  8. You did not tell us how old he is...I assume he is at least a toddler since you say he says the saltwater hurts.

    My absolutely favorite thing for noses is a saline spray called "simply saline". It is very mild and has a very fine spray.  It has a button to push to do a constant spray of saline where you want it. I would use the saline a few times and then try to get some of the boogers out. It may hurt a tiny bit since the boogers are attached to the little hairs in his nose, but once they are out he will feel better. After that you need to use the saline a few times a day for a few days until his runny nose is gone. The up side of simply saline is that it washes out the stuff clear up in your can literally see it washing out with the saline

  9. Gentle saline spray, such as Little Noses. I know it seems pretty much the same as simple salt water solution, but it isn't. The type and measure of salt is slightly different. For now, dab a q-tip in a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, to break down the consistency of the mucus (this will also help if there are any small wounds resulting from if your child picks his nose by abrubtly pulling hardened mucus away from the nasal tissue). Wait a few moments, then use a q-tip saturated in warm water to remove the mucus (make sure he does not strongly inhale or sniff while this is being done). Refrain from encouraging him to blow (for now), as this will only cause further irritation. Once his nostrils are clear, try daubing around the edges of his nose with a gentle lubricant, such as Vaseline. Wait a while, and repeat every few hours as needed. To prevent further congestion, have him sleep near a humidifier, and blow often (with soft tissues) when less irritated.

    (A pediatrician may advise against the use of hydrogen peroxide, but as long as you don't go too deep with the q-tip, such a small amount is completely safe.)

    Hope he feels better. Good luck.

  10. just use a warm wet rag and keep dabbing them they will eventually soften and he will be able to blow them out.

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