
My son's preschool staff thinks I take the preschool for granted.?

by  |  earlier

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Please help me assure them that I respect the preschool as well as the staff and I do not take them for granted...

On tuesday and friday he has afternoon sessions every week and rest other days he goes in the morning.This is since last december..Sometimes due to some reason or other I used to send him in morning for afternoon session or vice versa..May be that could be the reason...But I used to always take their permission before doing so..Not sure..I want to communicate by talking to them that I do not take them for granted..Help please..




  1. If it were a daycare center that allows unscheduled "walk-ins" then it would be all right for you to bring your child in at odd times.  Otherwise, it is a big imposition on them for you to take him at times other than his regular schedule.  

    In preschool, they have regular routines and schedules.  They plan meals and activities (and have materials ready) based on the number of students who are supposed to be there.  In many places, the meals have to be ordered ahead of time or there won't be enough.  Also, they have to maintain the proper (legal) ratio between adults and children.  These are some reasons why they said you were taking them for granted. . .  You were expecting them to welcome you child at any time you choose to drop him off.

    I feel that you should write a note explaining that you didn't realize how it made things difficult for them.  Maybe send flowers, too!

  2. I don't think you are taking the preschool or the staff for granted. Your son is how old three or four maybe younger. Things happen and they should be happy you are bringing your child their and making an effort. Unless you come at a time that disrupts everyone or late then I could see that you have to plan better. But if you rotate weekly and kids are coming and going at those times I don't feel you are taking anyone for granted. When my son was in Pre-K he was happy from September until one Monday in April. All of a sudden he wanted no part of going there etc. The Pre-K teacher began taking it personal when he cried. I even saw her stamp her foot a few times. She was immature and didn't know how to deal with children that young. Needless to say she didn't last at that job very long and now is doing something with food management. Anyway don't feel bad people have different schedules and as long as your child is happy going there and they aren't taking it out on him. I wouldn't feel guilty at all.

    I don't see why you have to reassure them.

  3. Schools and daycare facilities operate by filling up their time slots. When they slots are complete, they staff accordingly. By law they must have a certain amout of teachers per students.

    At my son's school, you must request a change 2 weeks prior. This is so they can staff accordingly. At your job do you go to your boss and say, "Hey I'm knocking off early today." No, you wouldn't. Unless it was an emergency, your boss would expect you to schedule that in advance.

    It's the same with schools and daycare. There is a reasonable expectation the school has for you to stick to the schedule you signed up for.

    You need to find out what the policy is of your school regarding changes. Perhaps you are breaking their policy and they are getting rather annoyed but it. I am certain that making a change once or twice is fine but if it happens frequently, I can understand they would be annoyed.

  4. I think message that the school is trying to tell you is that they have certain rules that you have to follow also. What you shared here is a common problem in most preschools today. The school just wants to be fair to all parents in being lenient with them to all their requests. If they allow you with that kind of set-up then they should also allow other parents as well -- which is not really that good because they too have a schedule to follow . It is also possible that they are just concerned with the changing of your child's schedule that might interfere with your child's daily routine.

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