
My son's winkie is not growing with the rest of this body. Any insights? What about your son?

by Guest66732  |  earlier

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This may sound like a bizarre question, but I think this is a genuine concern a mother may have for her son, but only too embarrassed to speak about it. My son is 7 years old now and I can honestly say his p***s is still the same size as the day he was born. I know when puberty hits, everything will grow but still I don't think it's normal for a 7 year old to have a p***s the size of an infant's. It's no bigger than a thumbnail. My relatives always make fun of him for it and I'm afraid it's going to give him a complex. I just want to know if anyone else has noticed no growth of the p***s since infancy. Thanks.




  1. I have a 7 yo and it hasn't grown much at all since birth.  I would just ask his doc about it.  I do have a friend that has 2 tiny boys and the doc said its perfectly normal

  2. Trust me, he's fine. If you are really concerned though, ask your pediatrician. And your relatives should NOT be making fun of him. That's bullying - why would they do such a thing to someone they love?

  3. is he worried about it? don't worry i have experience with 4 nephews but they are not his age yet he will be fine

  4. you need to tell the family to stop making fun of that. that will damage him. maybe he wasnt circumsised right. i know that my son was not. he is 5 1/2 yrs. old and his is the size of maybe a 3 yr. old. it also goes  in. he has to push it out in the tub to clean it. i had doctors tell me it will be fine and some tell me he needs surgery. i'll let him decide that one.

  5. You should talk to his pediatrician if this concerns you.  Be genuinely concerned when talking about it to the Dr.

    Call it whatever you are both comfortable with and stand up for your son when it comes to family making fun of him.  Yes, he can develop a serious complex and become fixated on it.  My father-in-law used to call my son a brat for no reason at all.  Just because.  I stood up for him and said "if you insult my son again, you will not see him until you can behave like a man.  We don't allow play dates who cannot play respectfully and nice."  He stopped.

  6. maybe if you stopped calling it a winkie it might become a p***s

  7. this is not a genuine concern for a mother!  if you think your son's pee pee is abnormal then you must think he's abnormal! if you have a complex about it, then keep it to yourself and don't pass it on to him!  for your relatives to make fun of, is absolutely disgusting and extremely vain in their way of thinking!  I'm sorry, but you need to tell them off!!  not everybody is concerned about big meats and big knockers!  i think your relatives are actually blaming you for a so-called short one! and that your son don't measure up to their expectations (NO PUNT INTENDED)!  next time they make a comment, say " well, he's definitely not going to be a p**n star" but he's going to be a great lover!!!

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