
My son William was born two weeks ago, I want to have another child soon, but How long should I wait?

by Guest65277  |  earlier

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I just had a child two weeks ago, a wonderful little boy, but my husband & I really want another child soon. How long should I wait to get pregnant again? I would like to as soon as possible.




  1. Wow that was quick! Lol i would wait at least 18 months before getting pregnant again! Take some time and enjoy it with your new son and hubby first. Good luck!

  2. How did your labor and delivery go? I am due in August and have been wondering the same thing. I am thinking about trying again when my baby girl is 9 months. Typically doctors will tell you to wait one year to allow your body to fully recover, but nine months is long enough. I would say that is up to you. A lot of women are pregnant again when they go in for their six week  postpartum appointment. Good Luck and Congratulations!!!

    If you can let us know what you decide when you choose a best answer.

  3. i have a 3 month old and its hard i cant imagine having two but its ur choice and do what u think is right....itll be hard but itll be worth it in the end..

  4. i think siblings get along better when there ages are closer however if they were in the same grade that would suck so i would have th kid pretty soon

  5. Congrats on the new baby!!   I would suggest waiting a year before getting pregnant again.  Pregnancy depletes your body of so much even when you take vitamins.   Check that you are supplementing enough and eating really well!!  Good Luck!!

  6. Go ahead! If you want, do it right now! I had my kids 3 days off being exactly 1 year apart and i wouldnt change it for the world! It was alot of hard work (being pregnant with a new baby) but now they are 2 and 3.. its sooo worth it. Congrats

  7. Do it as soon as you can then!  It might take a few months to conceive again so soon after having a child, and as long as you're willing to have two within a year you might as well get started as soon as you can! good luck and have fun.

  8. Perhaps it would most enjoyable to wait until your son William is is 3 yrs. of age if not 5 yrs. old and in school. That way you and your husband can have the pleasure of trying and not to mention bonding and giving baby William the full attention that is much needed from both parents such as guidance and Nurturing.

  9. Trust me...wait!!!  I have a 21 month old daughter AND a 10 week old son.  If  I would have known how hard my son would be I would have waited until my daughter wasn't as needy as she is now.  One is a piece of cake...two is very hard, especially when the second child is a sqwaker!!!

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