
My son admitted hes g*y, now im falling for his man? serious Q&A no bs ?

by  |  earlier

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my son had recently announced he was engaged.......

to a man at first i flipped out because i thought i was a straight man, now after meeting this man i am falling for him i mean its the wierdest situation but i think im g*y do i admit it to my family and most of all do i try to steal his man suggestions




  1. I think you are an attention seeker and lying.

    Please take your questions to the g*y & Leasbian forum.

    Your sexuality question is not a health issue

  2. now I know what they mean by a disjointed family

  3. You were OK B4 you met your sons interest, so stay as you were and keep your whole family together. Your son should have been given an image to model after you...Now you are going to start modeling after him, and pick off what he managed to come up with on his own?

    I'm not g*y, but I am sympathetic toward your son???! Just think a little bit about some else..not just someone else, your son!  You had your kick at the can in life so to speak, and what you have done with that one is up to you. I'm not judging you! That's your job! Now let him do his kick at the can so to speak!

    From your picture, I thought that you were an old lady, and this question really confused me...This whole thing is totally mixed up!!


  4. How about a menage a trois?       The three of you could have a lot of fun together, as you all have so much in common.

  5. don't steal his man, that's true love there and you don't want to steal that from him

    you should try to keep your family together at all cost, you don't want to break something like that up

    if you really are g*y and unhappy with your wife, try and talk to her about it

  6. Do NOT steal your son's boyfriend!

    That's just terrible.

    And if he's with your son, he's old enough to be your son.  That's a little messed up in it's own.

    Also, your family has a right to know what's going through your head.

    P.S.--If my dad was even looking at my boyfriend in such a way, i would never speak to him again...

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