
My son and daughter in-law have two sets of twins does anyone know where they can get diapers for free?

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My son and daughter-in-law spend an ungodly amount of money keeping their two set of twins in diapers. Does anyone know of an agency or group that helps out struggling families with multiples?




  1. my neighbor is a member of a group called "mothers of multiples" i also read on that home page that there is a MOMs yahoo group. i am not sure what they do or how they do it but i am sure that they can give advice and at least point her in the right direction! i know my neighbor loves that orginization!

  2. I find them in the Walmart parking lot.  They're everywhere.

  3. there used to be a lot of help with this.. but now because most twins are born due to fertility drugs, the rate of multiples is increased and a lot of agencies that used to help, do not anymore. For example when my grandmother had twins (2sets) Sears used to do buy 1 get 1 free.. they have not done that for a long long time. I am a mother of twins and got no help at all with diapers or such. Can I ask how old the sets are, one set should be potty trained soon correct?

    You can talk to the county you live in sometimes they will do sponsor type stuff. Other than that all I can recommend is to cut coupons!.. have people in the family get into it so they can have more. Sign up at and other diaper sites to get coupons.. you can do that with several different things. Also try to save money other ways.. hand me downs.. garage sales.. and stuff to save on other areas so that you have some more money..

    As far as a "handout" you really will not find one..

    Wanted to add... there may not be a free handout in diapers but you can join other programs that help is a toy company, toys sold at wal-mart target, k-mart, toys r us... they do a program that is buy on get one free, you contact them, send birth certificates and they open a file, when you want to order something you contact them (program only works when you buy directly from them) and you can buy anything and get another free!.. I think there is also other places that do stuff like that.. google it to find out more

  4. call the different diaper brands, they normally have programs for families with multiples. you could also do an online search.

  5. If they had kids, they should pay for diapers, unless they have quints or sextuplets or above.

  6. Wow, I had four kids and no one helped me pay for diapers.

    Sorry if it sounds cold but dont have kids you cant afford..

  7. Some churches will help out or try food banks I know in arizona some of them give out diapers as well...

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