I leased my house to my son and daughter so he could finish college and not pay rent. ($0 per month rent). They trashed the house, then left me holding the bag. It cost me over 10k to get it back in shape, and they stretched the lease from 1 year to 5 years. Now, he's going into the navy. They moved out and left me holding the bag. I'm angry, especially since my daughter-in-law has given me attitude for trying to get them to realized they've done something wrong. Not even a thank you from them, just anger over me explaining to them they signed a lease, and they abused the terms of it. I don't know what to do. Sue? And for what? Also, when they moved out, they tried to take the stove and fridge. They replaced the previous set, but never told me they were going to, or they were broken (I suspect they weren't. Her parents bought them a new Kenmore set, black, matching.). I made them leave them, as they were included in the lease. I don't understand where this attitude of entitlement comes from.