
My son bhavin not reading & writing

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My son bhavin not reading & writing




  1. and?

  2. You didn't say how old your son was, so it is hard to answer this. But every child devoleps and their own rate. Now if your son is like 5 and isn't reading or writing,then I would worry some but not much really. Younger than that I would just try to sit down and start teaching him different letters and how to reconize them.Let him practice on a piece of paper drawing them the best he can. Hold his hand and show him the right way if he gets it wrong.

  3. Have you discussed his problems with reading and writing with his teachers? Had him tested? There could be many reasons for this problem. Would need more information. Age? Grade? Behaviors?  

  4. regardless of his age the best thing to do is sit him down and talk to him about it you never know he could be having girl issues or something but you should definetly ask him what i hope its not but it could be something serious

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