
My son burnt his arm on a cooker top which had been turned off but still hot?

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i took him to the nurse at my doctors surgery where th e nurse put flamazine cream on (for burns) and pads and bandage then we went back 2 days later she took that off andit was brown skin she then put on a large sticky plaster and said to take it off in a few days which i did and the plaster took all his skin off so it was raw. i took him back and she put cream on an dpads again, i am worried now as from what a nurse told me(friend) she should have put the cream on every 24 hrs adn not plaster on its own, i am really not happy does anyone have any idea what i should do? i am so stressed over it my little boy is only 8 an dwas in agreat deal of unecessary pain.




  1. Get him dressed and take him to your local A&E, explain everything that's happened and do not leave until you are satisfied,he also needs pain relief.He's only little and needs you to speak for him....start by wiping the floor with the doctor's nurse.xx

  2. i would look up on the net to see who u could complain 2. The nerse should of done her job properly or told u 2 take him 2 a&e or go 2 citezens advise hope this helpsxxxxxxx

  3. The same thing happened to my 2yr old only on the palm of her hand. The nurse stuffed up...go back and have it checked by a doctor, we were given a cream called 'silvazine' which needed daily dressing and we then took her to a burns unit as she had a couple of unexplained fevers and we wanted to rule out some sort of infection from the burn, they applied a dressing which could stay on for a week at a time. Her hand healed perfectly, no scarring at all. The fact that that skin is gone could be good as they remove that anyway before dressing it, although I'm sure it hurt like h**l :-(  Good luck!

    (Until you get there I would bathe it in saline, allow it to air dry a little which will hurt  (air really hurts that new skin) and cover it, obviously with a non-stick dressing.)

  4. The brown skin on a burn is perfectly normal.  Nothing to worry about there.

    The problem is that skin needs air to dry out so it can heal itself however, with a small child, they will inevitably pick and poke at the wound which doesn't help the healing process.

    Ultimately, you're going to have to ask yourself which method (bandage and cream or open and picked) is going to be the best for your son and decide to go that route.

  5. Well it certainly sounds wrong to me...a plaster! If I were you I would call NHS direct and tell them....they will advise you on treatment and tell you how to complain.

  6. Use cellophane on the wound, It stops infection from getting in and it blocks air from getting in, which will make the pain go away. I guarantee it. Change it regularly like you would any other dressing

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