
My son cant go on feild trip?

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i just recieved a note that my 6 year old cant go on a field trip tomarrow because he has a over due library about short today im going to go pay for this 20 dollar book..that my son swares he NEVER rented and i look through his bag everyday and never saw that can they keep a child from a class feild trip...what about the other children that have lost or over due books...that school ticks me I overreacting....i see them wanting their book back..but i think its more along the lines of them not keeping track of their books




  1. thats stuiped

  2. Well if he didint have it, he dosent have to pay for it.

  3. No  your  not overacting. They tried this with my son, he had bullies I had to fight with the school. So they tried not to give me his report card until a fine paid for a book they said he took out.  I did not see the book and it was not an  electronics  or  building robots books that he loved to read.  I told them the bullies could have taken it from him if he got the book out which he said he did not.  I went to the school and laid out the riot act of their B.S. the school put us through since Elementry.  Well before the 9th grade I demanded a due process hearing;  they had to listen to me this time. Their bullying as a school of intimidation because I didn't let him on Ritlan, h**l would have been kinder to my son and me.

    The school will put you through your own h**l if you ruffle their feathers.  Well I will tell you 9th Grade, Reg.Classes and Whammo my son proved to them that Mom was right, He was a brain. They starved his mind.  By Second semester he was on the distinguished honor roll.  When He Grad. he had art honors and Intelligent honors for his grades.

    Hang in there but stand up for your child they will not.  The school needs troubles to get their grant and money to medicate your kid.  It is a scary thing for a parent.  

    The library book never paid and I got his report card. They knew they were pushing the envelope.  Keep Strong and talk to your child about your believing them. Peace!

    Spell check still whirling! Waiting for my answer.

  4. Well, I agree that's a dumb policy.  It's one thing to bill you for the book, but they don't have to prevent the kid (especially a first grader) from going on a field trip over it.

    It would make more sense to tell him he couldn't borrow any more books until he returns or pays for the missing one.

  5. Well,the book has to be signed out from the library right?  Go to the library and ask them to show you where your son signed it out.

  6. I'm sure the other kids with long overdue books were not allowed to go, either.  It's probably written into the school policies in the handbook.  Ask for  a copy if you didn't get one to begin with.

    It is unfortunate that you're only just hearing about this today, though.  Can you ask the librarian, when you're there, about notification policies so that you'll know this in the future?

  7. They keep track of their books. You are over reacting. Your son is 6, he probably lost it or gave it to another kid in his class. First go talk to the librarian and ask to see the paper work where it shows your son took the book. Then go to your son's classroom and tell his teacher about the missing book.

  8. it's understandable that you don't want your son to be left out of a fun activity.  i see that you added a note that your son did borrow the book, so it's good that you know that now.  i hope that he told you.

    i would pay the school the money for the book so that he can take the trip, but i'd make him work it off to pay me back.  the school is trying to teach your son responsibility for his actions by denying the trip, so you've got to make sure that you follow through on your end.

    i'd sit him down and talk to him about the value of that book.  i'd assign him a chore to do, like take the trash out or put his laundry away or something, and make him pay you back.  then make him keep doing the chore after he's done.   :)

    my son defaced a bathroom at school once by scratching his name on a stall--at just about this same age.  we figured up what it would cost the school to fix his scratch, and i made him donate a like amount of his books to the library to make it up.  he wasn't happy about it, but he didn't repeat that mistake twice.

  9. What the heck does an overdue library book have to do with a field trip?  I agree, that's ridiculous.

  10. Use your private/public library to let your son rent books from.

    Tell the school hes no longer allowed to rent books from the library.

    Seems a bit extreme to lose out on a field trip for a lost book. Our school only charges $5 for a paper back and $10 for a hard cover.

    Get the books id number and then look where it should go in the library... See if its sitting on the shelf. Check the last date of check-out stamped into the book. See if it matches your sons slip.

  11. I agree with the last answer, libraries do keep records and you can go see for yourself. I agree, however, that the notice was awfully short. They should have sent something home awhile ago. Oh, and I know this is nitpicky, but you don't rent books from the library. You borrow them. Renting involves an exchange of money to have something for a bit of time. You don't have to pay the library to take a book home, you just have to pay a fine if you keep it longer than you're supposed to.

  12. Yea I know how you feel...recently I took my 6 yr old out of school to homeschool...and 3 months later I recieve a letter saying my daughter has a book...this is insane..Its been 3 months..and now they wanna blame it on my daughter..and on top of this how do they expect a 6 yr old to keep track of a book...I could see in 2nd grade...but thats irresponisble on their behalf for letting a 6 yr rent a book..ehh?

  13. I remember when I was in elementary school, they did the same exact thing..Heck even in high school, if someone had an overdue book, they had to either provide the book or pay for it in order for them to graduate..

    Library book or not, it is school property and obviously they are keeping some track of their books or else your son't name would not have come up in the system as having and overdue book..

  14. I teach, therefore it sounds like a good policy to me.  Our field day is friday (almost the last day of school) and we are preventing kids from going if they owe lunch charges, library books, picture money, pto money, etc.  However, I think you should have gotten more notice than you did.  btw, schools have to have some way of getting their money and items back.

  15. School libraries keep track of their books very well. But a book being overdue has nothing to do with a field trip, so it seems inappropriate to link the two. It's especially not fair because he's so young. Did they check his classroom and ask his teacher about it? Did you check with the local public library to see if someone had found his book and returned it there by mistake? If no one can find it, you will have to pay the money. He won't be able to check out a book again, which could be hard for him if everyone else gets to. Either way, he should be allowed to go on the field trip. Good luck!

  16. Sorry, but the school is trying to teach your child to be responsible.  It will help him learn there are consequences to his actions...  he didn't return his library book = he can't go on a special outing.

  17. Call the school and ask them if you pay for the book if your child will beable to attend the field trip. Most likely he did rent the book and lost it somewhere in his room. My daughter is very responsible about books but, even we have misplaced a book or two.

    This is just the schools way to get you to pay for the book, i am sure once things are cleared up your son can go on the field trip.

  18. you're definitely not over-reacting !

    the reason they gave you is pathetic , an overdue library book is just pathetic . if your son says he didnt borrow it , then he didnt , this might be extreme , but probarbly this teacher has a problem with your son , i'm 15 and couldn't go on a trip because i apparently insulted a teacher , when i didnt , and even another teacher who i  dont get on with said i didnt say that to the teacher . but im not 100% sure !

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