
My son doesnt want to drink milk anymore.what shall i do?

by  |  earlier

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we were in the middle east and the milk that he used to drink is nowhere to be found here in the US.i tried other milk products that we can find here but he doesnt like any.

he eats a lot though.he loves yogurt.i dont feed him junk foods.he even eats cooked carrots alone.sometimes im making mixed veges with rice,make it good and soft enough for him to eat and he likes it as well. he loves to eat fuits but of course the soft ones.

do i have to let it go? not forcing him to drink milk anymore?




  1. he most def needs milk..keep trying to give it to him..but until he does give him lots of yogurt and cheese

  2. There are yogurt drinks out there you could try, they are more expensive than milk, tho.

    I was putting liquid vanilla coffee mate in my coffee one morning and my grand kids wanted some in their milk, so I said 'why not' and put just a little in. . .they loved it and now drink 'Vanilla Milk' whenever they come over---------have you tried flavouring your son's milk? There's alot of stuff you could try. . .a little 'instant breakfast' mix. . .malted milk mix. . .honey

    . . .strawberry quik. .. ???  Have you tried powdered milk?

    If your son doesn't like anything you try, then just make sure he gets other extra dairy foods in his diet to make up for the loss of milk.

    good luck!

  3. I think if he is eating plenty of variety, with good sources of vitamins and minerals, he should be fine, there are other sources of calcium, some children are allergic to milk/and or soya products and they survive!  main thing is though, you didn't say how old he is!!!

    as long as food is a safe consistency, for him to chew and swallow, there shouldn't be a problem if his stomach is mature enough (ideally, 6mnths+) speak to your health visitor about supplements if you are concerned

  4. Milk is not necessary for human development past about 2 years of age.  If he doesn't want to drink milk, and is receiving adequate calcium from other sources (yogurt is great, so are dark green veggies), then don't fret or force him.  He'll develop normally as long as you provide him with alternative calcium sources.

  5. There's orange juice and other juices filled with calcium now.  Also, maybe make some smoothies.  Even if you did a chocolate milkshake- he's still getting milk.  People think they need the dairy to get the calcium.  But, there are people who just can't tolerate the dairy and still get their calcium from other types of food.

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