
My son eats noodles,tea is it ok for him what vitamin D supplement can i give,to boost concentration?

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My son eats noodles,tea is it ok for him what vitamin D supplement can i give,to boost concentration?




  1. In addition to the omega 3 and DHA, zinc and magnesium.

  2. Gingko Biloba is a very good brain herb + fish oil,  malt..

  3. Vitamin D doesn't really promote concentration. The first answerer makes a good point that fish oil does promote concentration (specifically the DHA in the fish oil), but most children aren't going to be willing to take Cod Liver Oil because it tastes horrible (and if he has a good enough diet, he shouldn't need the extra vitamins A and D). You should be able to find some children's dose of Fish Oil at a health food store (if not, I can recommend a couple places that have them at good prices), and that should help the most with concentration and memory, not to mention skin and heart health as well.  ;-)

  4. give him cod liver oil packed with omega 3 it helps alot to bost concentration as does caffiene in the tea.

  5. few things ( try which one works )

    1. omega 3 or cod liver oil

    2. if he looses concentration during studies then try one method of psychology i.e. ask him to draw one circle on the blank paper and try to redraw that circle on the same circle for 5 min.

    3. 2nd exercise is similar : ask ur son to draw circles of any size without pickingup the pencil from the paper ( 5 min or upto he get the concentration)

    4. draw a small circle on any white plain paper, circle shud be equal to the brown  ball of the human eye. stick this paper on wall and ask ur son to look at the circle with the concentration of mind. while doing this exercise, make sure hez wearing relaxing clothes and room and the atmosphere shud be quiet. (exercise for few min) preferebly before sleep.

    on one step he will feel the colors comming out from the circle or the size of circle become bigger or smaller etc etc.

    these exercises are very helpful and are carried out by people using psyshic treatments.

    best of luck

  6. The best Vitamin D is natural sunshine.. Take him out in the sun for at least 15 minutes a day... No sunscreen... Blocks the sun out and it can't make the good vitamin D..

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