
My son? explaining it?

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my son is 10 and he invited his girlfriend over and we were barbecuing and without us knowing him and lsyya his gf went to his room and started making out. my husband and i walked in on them and really was like this is normal and we invited her over again and i walked in and they were making out again. are they to young? And How do i explain s*x to him?




  1. Well if I was her MOTHER I would not be very happy about it at all.

    Hes not old enough to get a job and pay for a baby.

    Hes too young to be making out.

    Hes making out.. I am sure he knows what s*x is.

  2. Blimey, 10 years old?!

    I think you should tell him that if he has decided to start acting more grown up you will start treating him like it.

    Give him the s*x talk, then ban the girl from his room. Boys got banned from my room when i was a younger teenager and by the time they were allowed back in i was just too glad to be able to watch a film with my boyfriend somewhere other than in the front room to ruin it again by making out!

    Best of luck!


  3. Omg! I think I would die if my boys were making out at 10 not that it's a terrible thing I'd just be sad that they're weren't my little babies anymore =(  I think 10 is kind of young but if they're doing it then not much you can do... I'd have your husband talk to him the s*x talk is really something a boy should hear from his dad and just explain how to be safe and how he should wait but if he can't make sure he knows how to keep himself and the girl protected from pregnancy and STD's.  Kids are growing up so fast these days can you believe it my little guys are just one and two but I remember when I was a kid and at 10 s*x and making out were not on my mind at all. Funny how things change w/ time. Well good luck. Hope you figure out the best way to talk to him about it.

  4. He does not know what s*x is and he is 10? WOW! I knew when I was 6. I would not tell him now because if hima and hios gf are making out he might wanna try it. Tell him when he is single and tell him never to have it with anyone until he married or ingadged. I hope this helped!


  5. Since you don't seem to have very good boundaries and are really too timid to raise kids, the next step is to show him how to do it right.  Make sure you cover the issues of protection so he won't be dead in 10 years.

  6. He's 10 years old, he shouldn't have a girlfriend in the first place. The whole making out thing is just sickening.

  7. He is too young to be doing this. Have your husband talk to him about these natural feelings, but s*x should not be encouraged at 10. He has not even started puberty yet! Absolutely no girls allowed in his room anymore. House rules! Its disrespectful to you and your husband. This is a time to introduce masturbation and self exploration instead of intercourse. He has alot to learn about himself that way first. All natural feelings just slow him down.
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