
My son eyes is kind of lazy at times and i wanted to know if he would need glasses to make them stroger?

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where not talking barney mac lazy its like lately its more noticeable and i made him a eye appointment i just want to know if he would need glasses




  1. they will probably suggest that he wear a patch over his eye...for increasing amounts of time. glasses just depend on if the doctor determines if he is having trouble seeing.

    Hope that helps

  2. The only person who can give you an accurate answer to this question is the doctor who personally examines your son.

    You will have to wait until the eye appointment for the answer to this question.

  3. "Lazy" eyes are the result of a vision deficiency and 'can' be corrected at an early age.  If left, correction cannot be made and it would only be a few years before it would be too late.  

    Patches and glasses are the common treatment.  At young ages, glasses do help correct the vision problems.

    Patching can be as simple as all day every day for so-many months, or an hour to two each day for so-long.  The stronger eye is patched while the weaker eye is made to work and strengthen.  (Very basically, the eye crosses/wonders when it is giving up... the stronger eye is given the work load and vision can be lost in the weaker eye if left too long or the problem becomes severe enough).

    Both my daughters have problems along these lines.  My oldest daughter's vision is worse that my youngest daughter's.  Both received their eye glasses at around age 2 (they're now 8 and almost-5).  

    In the beginning, my oldest daughter wore a patch (all day, every day), in addition to her glasses, for four months, then would follow-up with the doctor.  After several visits, she no longer needed the patch.  Down the road, patching was needed again.  This time she wore the patch for one hour a day for a year.  My younger daughter needs only to wear her glasses.

    They've both done well with their glasses.  My oldest daughter especially.  My youngest is annoyed by her glasses, but we're working on it.  lol

    Good luck!  :o)

  4. Is he a baby or toddler still?

    Supposedly my left was a little lazy as a baby. It corrected itself as the doctor said it would, but I do have glasses (since I was 10) and my left has always had a weaker sight than the right.

    If not now, he may end up in glasses when he's older though.

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