
My son give me big telephone bill?

by  |  earlier

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what should I do




  1. Take away his phone until he can be responsible.

  2. Make him pay for it.  Put the money aside.  Then give it back to him when he is out on his own. Keep it up and do it for other things too.

    My parents charged my brother rent after college.  Put the money in a CD.  Then when he got his own place gave it back to him plus the interest it earned.

  3. OK, then.....let him work for it, and help pay the bill!!!

    and after you done all that....install a Payphone in your house....

  4. look if you could afford pay it but just give him a warning and tall him your the one paying the phone and if it happens again cut his services until you know he desrves it again

  5. There's some way you can control it, first is that a cell phone or home phone, cell phone can be a complex, you can cancel all unnecessary feature might cost alot like text messgae, you can disable it just call the service provider, if too much miniter, consider gave him a prepaid cellphone only has certain minutes.  For land phone, you can called the provided, to cut off all long distance (1800 other free toll still work, just the cost one is disable) buy him/her a phone card.

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