
My son got a boa constrictor a couple of years ago. He never spends time with it. I need to find a good home

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We feed the boa, but don't give it any attention. I feel so bad for the snake. A few months ago the snake freaked me out and tried to attack me....or it seemed that way to me. Do you think a zoo would be interested in taking it?




  1. zoos get phone calls all day long from people who can no longer care for their pets, so don't bother with that.   if you really want to get it a new home, try

    or you could just keep it.  he doesn't sound like he's much trouble and he already has a good home.

  2. i would take it but my mom would kill me but try to find a great owner to give it to

  3. Chris M is right a boa doesn't really need a lot off attention.

  4. Zoos are inundated with people trying to give up their boas but you could try. Another option is an animal rescue, specifically one that works with reptiles.

  5. Call local zoo and shelter SPCA make sure it goes to someone who knows about snakes.  Don't just give it to anyone.  It needs to be properly housed, fed and socialized by someone who understands them.

    And we pet lovers do appreciate your interest in finding him a loving home.

    We take them from their natural homes and many times they are abused.  so sad.

  6. a full grown boa can be dangerous, they dont need that much attention, too much handling might even stress it out, if he isnt taking care of it then put it up for adoption on craigslist or zoo

  7. could try the zoo or pet store, But I would check into weather or not you have a reptile rescue center around. Allot of times they will take unwanted animals in and find them homes. Boa's are like any other pet they should be given attention, and cared for. "Boa's don't need allot" are you kidding they need plenty, have to provide the right temp, humidity, right enclosure etc. Think who ever said that needs to do their home work. Further more if you want it to be a good pet you need to interact with it. Otherwise you may end up with some pretty high medical bills for stitches etc.Where do you live? I have taken in snakes in the past. In fact that is how I got my Prairie King.

  8. Zoos rarely take in animals from private individuals. And don't go to a pet store. All they'll do is take it and turn around and sell it for a bunch of money. Try You can sell it there for a low fee.

  9. try calling your local pet stores but not the big ones like petco or petsmart or call your animal shelter

  10. They're not exactly social creatures. They lie in wait for days for food in the wild. The snake is probably fine. Just relax and try not to think of them as people. They like to be left alone.

    Good luck.

  11. well we had a guinea pig and a bunny we were not interested in keeping any longer. we put up a pet adoption for the two animals and a family came along and they took our animals for us. they were a loving family who cared a lot about animals. you can set a time to meet them or talk to them on the phone. we put the adoption sign in petco. i am sure they will allow you to put an adoption for your snake.

  12. you could try the zoo, otherwise call a local pet store or animal shelter.

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